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Maija Worek at the EURAM Conference in Bath, UK

July 10, 2024

Dr. Maija Worek, MSc represented the FHWien der WKW at European Academy of Management (EURAM), which is the largest management conference in Europe. This year it was organized at the University of Bath in the UK.

There she presented a full paper co-authored with the team of study progams Management & Entrepreneurship entitled „Predictors of Entrepreneurial Actions in Business University Alumni”. The study presented the findings of a survey among the alumni of the study programs of Management & Entrepreneurship, where they responded to questions on self-employment and the reasons impacting it.

The findings show that those already with experience on self-employment show traditional characteristics connected to self-employment and have access to financial resources. Contrary to the expectations, social capital was not perceived useful and societal and familial role models on entrepreneurship had a negative impact on self-employment intentions. The study sparked a lively discussion on possible additional analyses and research ideas.

Maija Worek also acted as a session chair on Student Entrepreneurship at the Entrepreneurship Track, which is the second largest track at the conference, offering numerous publication- and networking opportunities with other universities and researchers on the topic of entrepreneurship.