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New organizational structure for Alumni&Co

August 30, 2018

Alumni&Co has always functioned as a voluntary association, which worked closely with FHWien der WKW. Due to organizational reasons, FHWien der WKW will take over the responsibility for the alumni service. As a result of this, Alumni&Co made the decision to dissolve the association in an extraordinary general assembly on August 13, 2018.

The board members would like to say a big thanks to all members for being involved over the years. FHWien der WKW also wants to give thanks to the board members for their voluntary engagement for so many years.

What will happen in the future? There will be no more association structure, but the active network with all its activities remains unchanged. The next highlight will be the Alumni Night in 2018.

We hope you will continue to be a part of the active network of FHWien der WKW in the future! More details will follow soon


If you have questions, please contact the alumni network:

Sabine Lackner or Doris Haas: +43 (1) 476 77 5739