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What does an Event & Congress Manager do?

January 9, 2024

This was the question posed to Bachelor's students of Tourism & Hospitality Management in the Event & Congress Management specialization. They found the answer at Mondial, one of the leading companies in the field of event and congress organization. Experienced project managers such as Sandra Wagner (also graduate of the study program) were on hand to answer our students' questions. […]Read more on What does an Event & Congress Manager do?

Collaboration and connect at the edcom conference

January 8, 2024

In December, representatives of the communications industry from teaching and practice met for an international exchange at the edcom conference in Brussels. FHWien der WKW was part. […]Read more on Collaboration and connect at the edcom conference

Journalists from all departments, gear up!

January 4, 2024

Digitalization requires special technical skills. Two new continuing education programs on Cross-Media and Data Journalism at FHWien der WKW teach how to use the latest technologies with a focus on storytelling skills. With these specializations journalists are becoming more attractive and indispensable for employers! […]Read more on Journalists from all departments, gear up!

Family businesses acquire efficiently, but are not (yet) innovative

December 21, 2023

Ann-Christine Schulz from the Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy (IDS) and Maija Worek from the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs present the results of an empirical analysis of 18 European family businesses in the Austrian Management Review […]Read more on Family businesses acquire efficiently, but are not (yet) innovative

Side visits, discussions, jury member – the expertise of Endowed Professor Anna-Vera Deinhammer is in demand!

December 21, 2023

Anna-Vera Deinhammer has been an Endowed Professor for Sustainable Real Estate Development in the construction and property industry since June 2023. She is also active in the World Green Building Council on behalf of the ÖGNI (Austrian Society for Sustainable Real Estate Development) and Vice President "Director for Circular Cities and Regions" of the Circular Economy Forum Austria. The expertise… […]Read more on Side visits, discussions, jury member – the expertise of Endowed Professor Anna-Vera Deinhammer is in demand!

The Teaching Awards 2023 were presented on 9 November!

December 20, 2023

The Didactics Working Group selected the following winners from a total of 14 submissions: The Teaching Award 2023 in Category A “Recipes for success for integrated courses” is shared by Sabine Melnicki for her project “Two Women” and Stefan Nafra for the development of individual learning paths. In Category B “Sustainable Development Goals in Teaching”, […]Read more on The Teaching Awards 2023 were presented on 9 November!

Will everything stay different? GenZ’s expectations of the job market.

December 13, 2023

Current career starters and employees aged 18 to 39 differ less dramatically from previous generations than one might assume based on current discussions. A study by FHWien der WKW in cooperation with Siemens Energy Austria questions the "differences" of Generation Z in the job market. […]Read more on Will everything stay different? GenZ’s expectations of the job market.

How can sustainability be managed systematically?

December 12, 2023

Thanks to a typology developed at the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES), managers can now take a more targeted approach to managing companies' sustainability strategies. The spectrum of strategic positioning ranges from efficiency gains at company level to extensive systematic transformation. […]Read more on How can sustainability be managed systematically?

Manfred Schieber receives funding award from the Rudolf Sallinger Fund

December 12, 2023

The dissertation exposé of Manfred Schieber, Head of Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs, was honoured by the Rudolf Sallinger Fund as the best submission with the award for scientific work. […]Read more on Manfred Schieber receives funding award from the Rudolf Sallinger Fund

Sustainable transport by train – excursion to the ÖBB wind tunnel

December 12, 2023

As part of the specialization "Tourist Transport" of our Bachelor's program in Tourism & Hospitality Management our students visited the Austrian Federal Railways (ÖBB) and its wind tunnel in the 21st district. […]Read more on Sustainable transport by train – excursion to the ÖBB wind tunnel