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Department of Communication at EUPRERA 2018!

October 3, 2018

“Big Ideas – Challenging Public Relations Research and Practice” […]Read more on Department of Communication at EUPRERA 2018!

Ilona Pezenka and David Bourdin present their research at the EMAC Conference in Glasgow

June 11, 2018 Ilona Pezenka and David Bourdin, MSc from the Department of Communication of FHWien der WKW presented their empirical research findings at Europe’s largest academic Marketing conference […]Read more on Ilona Pezenka and David Bourdin present their research at the EMAC Conference in Glasgow

Guest Lectures in Bordeaux and Lyon

May 24, 2018

David Bourdin, MSc from the Department of Communication gave guest lectures at INSEEC – École de Commerce Européenne in Bordeaux and Lyon […]Read more on Guest Lectures in Bordeaux and Lyon

Virtual Mobility in the Bachelor’s program Corporate Communication

April 26, 2018

Nina Trinkl represented FHWien der WKW at this year's COIL conference (Collaborative Online International Learning) in New York […]Read more on Virtual Mobility in the Bachelor’s program Corporate Communication

Department of Communication at ECREA OSC Section Conference 2018

February 7, 2018

Peter Winkler and Uta Rußmann at the ECREA Organizational and Strategic Communication Section Conference 2018 […]Read more on Department of Communication at ECREA OSC Section Conference 2018

Special Issue on Visual Communication in the Age of Social Media

January 4, 2018

Uta Russmann, Department of Communication, Marketing & Sales, and Jakob Svensson, School of Arts & Communication (K3), Malmö University, Sweden published Special Issue in Media and Communication […]Read more on Special Issue on Visual Communication in the Age of Social Media