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Discussion about the future of tourism in Vienna

June 17, 2024

WienTourismus invited endowed professor Cornelia Dlabaja and lecturer Daniela Wagner to review their Visitor Economy Strategy in the Wiener Börsensäle. Together with experts and decision-makers from the industry, they discussed possible topics that will concern both the Viennese tourism industry and the city's residents in the future. […]Read more on Discussion about the future of tourism in Vienna

Thought about private pension provision yet? Creative campaigns for Generation X and Millennials in a business field project with Amundi Austria

June 13, 2024

In a business field project with Amundi Austria, students of the English-taught Bachelor’s program in Corporate Communication developed awareness campaigns for private pension provision with investment funds. […]Read more on Thought about private pension provision yet? Creative campaigns for Generation X and Millennials in a business field project with Amundi Austria

Transformative ideas for the building sector

June 13, 2024

What does it take to drive transformative change in the building sector? Foundation Professor Anna-Vera Deinhammer formed the Austrian delegation at the Buildings and Climate Global Forum in Paris together with ÖGNI Executive Committee member and Co-Chair of the WorldGBC European Regional Network Richard Teichmann. […]Read more on Transformative ideas for the building sector

Young media users’ trust in public service news programs

June 13, 2024

In ORF's latest Public Value Report, Gisela Reiter of the Department of Communication (DoC) - side by side with political expert Peter Filzmaier - sheds light on the question "Why can I trust ORF news?" and focusses on the role of ORF as a reliable source of information for young people. […]Read more on Young media users’ trust in public service news programs

How to start a business?

June 12, 2024

For many of our students, starting their own business is THE goal! They learn how to do this in theory on the Bachelor's Program Management - Entrepreneurship. But what does it look like in reality? What challenges can be expected and overcome? Three alumni discussed this in a “Founders Talk”. […]Read more on How to start a business?

Family Business: International students at conference in Berlin

June 12, 2024

Opportunities for Growth: That was the theme of this year's Student Conference on Family Business & Entrepreneurship in Berlin. Eight students of the Bachelor`s program Management & Entrepreneurship traveled to Berlin with coaches Katharina Rotter and Maija Worek and took part in this international blended intensive program. […]Read more on Family Business: International students at conference in Berlin

Employer branding for the tax services in a business field project with KPMG

June 12, 2024

In the business field project of the Master's program in Communication Management, the students from FHWien der WKW dispel the conservative image of tax consultancy and develop communication concepts to increase employer attractiveness. […]Read more on Employer branding for the tax services in a business field project with KPMG

Study presentation on media use and trust among young people in Austria and Finland

June 12, 2024

The results show the importance of traditional journalistic values and a high level of media literacy in relation to tabloid reporting and social media. Nevertheless, the challenge for public service media is to build long-term trust among young users in their own media offerings. […]Read more on Study presentation on media use and trust among young people in Austria and Finland

Goal achieved: A New Work timetable for Wiener Linien

June 11, 2024

Wiener Linien deals with all connections in Austria's capital on a daily basis. And what's more, they are always keen to strengthen the connection to their employees. Master's students of the Human Resources & Organization Study Programs at FHWien der WKW worked on a "roadmap" towards New Work in the blue-collar sector as part of their final theses. […]Read more on Goal achieved: A New Work timetable for Wiener Linien

Summer, Sunshine, Summer Party 2024

June 11, 2024
Category: Uncategorized

On June 5, 2024, the time had finally come again: our popular summer party took place in the Säulenhalle of Vienna's Volksgarten. […]Read more on Summer, Sunshine, Summer Party 2024