Recognizing, debunking and counteracting conspiracy myths
Elka Xharo, Academic Expert & Lecturer for Information Technology in the Digital Economy Study Programs, spoke about conspiracy myths at the "Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024" at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. In the weeks leading up to the event, she was interviewed by numerous media outlets as an expert in science awareness. […]Read more on Recognizing, debunking and counteracting conspiracy myths
Circular economy and artificial intelligence in Austrian industry
The Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS) at FHWien der WKW is once again supporting the "Made in Austria" IndustriePANEL: Future of Production Work in Austria in 2024. […]Read more on Circular economy and artificial intelligence in Austrian industry
A forum for applied science
In line with the conference motto "Let's apply science!", several researchers from FHWien der WKW presented current findings on the application of artificial intelligence, sustainable innovations and digital transformations as well as business founders at the FH Research Forum 2024 in April. […]Read more on A forum for applied science
Smart reusable boxes for pharmaceutical logistics
"A logistics system consisting of intelligent reusable boxes and shelves that makes the transportation of pharmaceuticals faster, cheaper and more sustainable." This is how project manager Gerald Schneikart describes the vision behind DigiPharmaLogNet, a recently completed research project by the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS) at FHWien der WKW. […]Read more on Smart reusable boxes for pharmaceutical logistics
About the world of innovation
Tilia Stingl de Vasconcelos Guedes wrote a guest article "Of lasers, passion and Nobel Prizes" on "Der Brutkasten". […]Read more on About the world of innovation
Family businesses acquire efficiently, but are not (yet) innovative
Ann-Christine Schulz from the Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy (IDS) and Maija Worek from the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs present the results of an empirical analysis of 18 European family businesses in the Austrian Management Review […]Read more on Family businesses acquire efficiently, but are not (yet) innovative
“Acquiring, Founding and Transforming” at the “G-Forum”
Ann-Christine Schulz from the Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy (IDS) and Maija Worek from the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs gave several presentations at the largest German-speaking conference on entrepreneurship and family businesses in Darmstadt. […]Read more on “Acquiring, Founding and Transforming” at the “G-Forum”
Austrian industry has subdued expectations and takes steps for sustainable value creation
The fifth IndustriePANEL survey conducted by TU Wien in cooperation with FHWien der WKW shows the high value of human labour despite the high degree of automation. […]Read more on Austrian industry has subdued expectations and takes steps for sustainable value creation
Managing digital transformation with both hands
The IDS Strategy Morning at FHWien der WKW showed how companies can succeed in digital transformation through ambidextry and looked at digital capabilities in Austrian small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - including the example of Ottakringer Brewery. […]Read more on Managing digital transformation with both hands
Digital transformation specialists urgently needed!
The Bachelor's program in Digital Business is particularly suitable as a program for working professionals in order to become specialists with a semi-tech education. These are urgently needed as experts for the digital transformation. This makes our graduates - even without prior IT knowledge - sought-after specialists. […]Read more on Digital transformation specialists urgently needed!