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Human Resources Management students practice conducting an employee event in a hybrid teaching setting

March 23, 2023

Hybrid working is increasingly finding its way into our everyday working lives. In higher education, too, the use of hybrid teaching settings is being tried out in various constellations. In the course HR-Stakeholder Communication, students of the Bachelor's program in Human Resources Management have taken on different roles and practiced conducting an event for the workforce partly from the lecture… […]Read more on Human Resources Management students practice conducting an employee event in a hybrid teaching setting

Review Open House 2023

March 20, 2023
Category: Uncategorized

After a three-year forced pause due to the coronavirus pandemic,our Open House finally returned to campus on Friday, March 17, 2023. […]Read more on Review Open House 2023

Office and working worlds of the future

March 16, 2023

Inspired by the modern premises of the AirportCity Space, students from the Master's program in Human Resources and Organizational Development discussed megatrends and their impact on HR development. […]Read more on Office and working worlds of the future

Popular benefits on the labor market – start of the practical project with Edenred

March 8, 2023

Which employee benefits are particularly in demand on the Austrian labor market? Are there benefits with which companies can stand out from the competition? Our students in the Bachelor's program in Human Resources Management are embarking on an exciting practical project together with our cooperation partner Edenred Austria. […]Read more on Popular benefits on the labor market – start of the practical project with Edenred

This was our taster seminar “ESG needs know-how”

March 7, 2023

With lively participation from an interested audience, we spent an afternoon looking at how ESG & Sustainable Finance will influence existing processes & structures in companies. And in particular, what job and career prospects will be opened up as a result. If we look at the numerous job postings, we can already assume that ESG experts & employees with ESG… […]Read more on This was our taster seminar “ESG needs know-how”

How does journalism deal with the climate crisis?

March 6, 2023

Current climate protests and the media's handling of climate issues were the focus of this year's International School of Multimedia Journalism 2023. Under the theme "Covering Climate Crises", twenty journalism students from four countries dealt with different aspects of climate journalism and also reflected on their own role. The result are five exciting multimedia reports, each of which takes a… […]Read more on How does journalism deal with the climate crisis?

New ways of internal digital communication for Wienerberger

March 6, 2023

In the business field project of the Master's program in Communication Management, the students developed well thought-out strategies around the launch of an app for employees with limited access to smartphones. […]Read more on New ways of internal digital communication for Wienerberger

The 5th “Made in Austria – IndustriePANEL” starts with a new partner

March 5, 2023

The cooperation project of FHWien der WKW with TU Wien on the topics of automation, digitalization and Industry 4.0 is also supported by the Fachverband Metalltechnische Industrie (FMTI) from 2023. […]Read more on The 5th “Made in Austria – IndustriePANEL” starts with a new partner

Turnover Taxation in Chain Transactions

March 1, 2023

On Wednesday, November 30, 2022 a guest lecture took place for the students of the Bachelor’s program in Finance, Accounting & Taxation at FHWien der WKW. […]Read more on Turnover Taxation in Chain Transactions

The great opportunity in the insurance industry

February 27, 2023

Insurance companies are intensively looking for qualified employees with competencies in a combination of law + business + insurance. Our new Bachelor's program in Insurance Management combines exactly these areas to a perfect education on an academic level. Apply now for one of 32 study places starting in fall 2023 at the Vienna Management Academy by FHWien der WKW! […]Read more on The great opportunity in the insurance industry