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The role of HR in transformation

March 17, 2021

Exciting continuation of our guest lecture series in the course HR Management and Law. MMag. Jörg Bachl talks about his experiences in accompanying and shaping change processes with a focus on downsizing. […]Read more on The role of HR in transformation

In conversation with experts: “Human resources management” in a start-up and a non-profit organization

March 10, 2021

Our students in the Bachelor's program in Human Resources Management are looking to answer the question "Is HR management really the same as HR management" and what differences there are, for example, in a start-up or in a non-profit organization, as part of their 6th semester in the elective HR Management and Law. To support them, we invited experts from… […]Read more on In conversation with experts: “Human resources management” in a start-up and a non-profit organization

Practical project launched – students in search of new ideas for virtual collaboration

February 24, 2021

Employees of international companies work across continents but need joint meetings for joint results. How can you get the best out of virtual teams under the premise of the "New Normal"? […]Read more on Practical project launched – students in search of new ideas for virtual collaboration

‘New’ Work after Corona? Practical project / research project in the Bachelor’s program in Human Resources Management

February 23, 2021

How will the world of work change after COVID-19? The full-time students from the Bachelor's program in Human Resources Management (4th semester) pursue this exciting question as part of a practical or research project. […]Read more on ‘New’ Work after Corona? Practical project / research project in the Bachelor’s program in Human Resources Management

Intercultural Exchange Despite Lockdown

January 19, 2021

This past semester our part-time students of the Bachelor’s Program in Human Resources Management were able to participate in an online intercultural exchange with students from Waukesha County Technical College in Wisconsin, USA. They met online at least 3 times over a couple of months to have conversations about student life in Austria vs. Wisconsin, […]Read more on Intercultural Exchange Despite Lockdown

Insurance companies as attractive employers – finale of the practical project with Helvetia

December 22, 2020

In order to address new target groups as an attractive employer in the insurance sector, diversity is becoming increasingly important. Instagram is gaining in importance in the area of social media. These were the key insights from the practical project in the Master's program in Organizational & Human Resources Development. […]Read more on Insurance companies as attractive employers – finale of the practical project with Helvetia

The Global Case Study Challenge – a virtual highlight

December 17, 2020

A very special virtual experience was offered to our Master's students this semester in the Global Case Study Challenge. […]Read more on The Global Case Study Challenge – a virtual highlight

Compensation & Benefits in practice: trends and developments

November 19, 2020

Exciting guest lecture on the topic of Compensation & Benefits in the course of our Master’s Program in Organizational and Human Resources Development. Expert MMag. Michael Walzek discussed current trends and developments with our students. […]Read more on Compensation & Benefits in practice: trends and developments

“Students for Students” – coaching starts again at FHWien der WKW!

October 23, 2020

Students for students coaching was initiated by Master students with a specialization in coaching and supports Bachelor’s and Master’s students in the Human Resources & Organization study programs. […]Read more on “Students for Students” – coaching starts again at FHWien der WKW!

“Don’t be afraid of the personnel department” – trust is key

October 8, 2020

Julia Bach-Kofranek gave us lots of insights into the everyday work in human resources management in the course of a guest lecture for the Human Resources Management Fundamentals course. […]Read more on “Don’t be afraid of the personnel department” – trust is key