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Employee of FHWien der WKW honoured with Prälat-Leopold-Ungar journalism award

November 22, 2021

Johanna Hirzberger receives a recognition award for her audio picture "Darf's ein bisserl weniger sein? Women system keepers: A lot of work, little pay". The radio report deals with the sometimes adverse working conditions of women in system-relevant professions, which has already been nominated for the Prix Europa in the category "Radio Documentary". […]Read more on Employee of FHWien der WKW honoured with Prälat-Leopold-Ungar journalism award

International conference and ORF DialogForum on Public Service Media (PSM)

October 18, 2021

Gisela Reiter from the Department of Communication presented the results of her study on the information behaviour of young target groups before elections at this year's RIPE@2021 conference and was a guest at the ORF DialogForum in the Radiokulturhaus. […]Read more on International conference and ORF DialogForum on Public Service Media (PSM)

Radio Radieschen host Johanna Hirzberger nominated for Prix Europa

September 9, 2021

Out of 684 submitted productions from 268 media organizations, her Ö1 feature entitled "Darf's ein bisserl weniger sein? Systemerhalterinnen: viel Applaus - wenig Lohn" in the category "Radio Documentary" was selected by an independent commission of experts for the prestigious Prix Europa radio award. […]Read more on Radio Radieschen host Johanna Hirzberger nominated for Prix Europa

New online format at International School of Multimedia Journalism 2021

September 7, 2021

This year, for the first time, the International School of Multimedia Journalism will be supplemented by an online project day: For the participating students from Denmark, Georgia, Austria and Ukraine, the programme not only includes dealing with the topic of "digitalisation of the working world". In addition to exciting insights into the project, they will learn about current tools in… […]Read more on New online format at International School of Multimedia Journalism 2021

Journalism Young Talent Award 2021: The Nominees Have Been Selected

September 3, 2021

The nominations for the 3rd Journalism Young Talent Award 2021 have been selected. The winners from five categories will be announced at an online award ceremony on September 27, 2021, starting at 6:00 pm. […]Read more on Journalism Young Talent Award 2021: The Nominees Have Been Selected

Data journalism – core competencies for future journalists

May 26, 2021

Researching, analysing and socially classifying data is an important task for journalists. The significance of data journalism in journalism education was the topic of this year's "Teachers Conference 2021" of the European Journalism Training Association (EJTA). Regula Blocher represented FHWien der WKW with a presentation on her teaching activities. […]Read more on Data journalism – core competencies for future journalists

Public Value Lecture #05: Digital transformations at ORF and the development of new formats

April 16, 2021

The fifth edition focused on the topic of digitalisation and the development of new formats. The expert guest was Wolfgang Geier, Editor-in-Chief of ORF 1. […]Read more on Public Value Lecture #05: Digital transformations at ORF and the development of new formats

#YouthMediaLife – Presentation by Gisela Reiter and Jana Bernhard at the international conference on young people’s media lifeworlds

April 6, 2021

Gisela Reiter and Jana Bernhard from the Department of Communication presented their results on the information behaviour of young target groups at this year's #YouthMediaLife conference. The conference, held via online platform, took place from 30.03.2021 - 01.04.2021 and has been organised by the University of Vienna. […]Read more on #YouthMediaLife – Presentation by Gisela Reiter and Jana Bernhard at the international conference on young people’s media lifeworlds

Light at the End of the Tunnel – Cultural Journalism in Times of Corona

February 23, 2021

Art and culture never have it easy, but in times of Corona they have drawn a particularly hard lot. While established artists in Austria can fall back on an existing network, artists who have recently moved to Vienna also suffer from the ban on contact in the lockdown. Journalism students took this as an opportunity to immerse themselves in the… […]Read more on Light at the End of the Tunnel – Cultural Journalism in Times of Corona

Digitalization NOW! Why digital technologies are crucial for our future.

February 18, 2021

The City of Vienna Competence Team for the Digitalization of Communication presented the current trends around the topic of digitalization and the diverse study programs at FHWien der WKW. […]Read more on Digitalization NOW! Why digital technologies are crucial for our future.