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Leadership training in the Master’s Program in Marketing & Sales Management

March 14, 2022

Leadership training in the Master's program in Marketing & Sales Management focuses on negotiating confidently as a manager, solving conflicts and being able to properly accompany internationalization and change processes. […]Read more on Leadership training in the Master’s Program in Marketing & Sales Management

Focus on leadership in the Master’s program in Communication Management

March 10, 2022

In a digitally networked media world, communications experts are in demand who have an overview rather than just being specialists. Therefore, FHWien der WKW's Master's program in Communication Management places a significant focus on management and leadership skills. […]Read more on Focus on leadership in the Master’s program in Communication Management

Risky Political Commitment of Corporations in the Case of War: an op-ed article by Markus Scholz in Wirtschaftswoche

March 8, 2022

Tesla founder Elon Musk supports Ukraine with his satellite internet. He is acting politically. Morally, that may be right. But his actions are not legitimate. It is furthermore extremely dangerous. In his op-de article in the newspaper Wirtschaftswoche, Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz, Head of Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES), analyzes the support […]Read more on Risky Political Commitment of Corporations in the Case of War: an op-ed article by Markus Scholz in Wirtschaftswoche

Companies in the area of tension between sporting events and ethical issues: Markus Scholz on the 2022 World Cup in Doha

March 7, 2022

The 2022 World Cup in Doha will follow the Winter Olympics in Beijing. Once again, human rights are at stake. Is the red card for Qatar and consorts indicated? The business ethicist FH Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz thinks: Yes. Standard Forschung Spezial spoke with Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz, Head of Institute for Business Ethics & […]Read more on Companies in the area of tension between sporting events and ethical issues: Markus Scholz on the 2022 World Cup in Doha

International students develop ‘Oslo 2030’ mock-Olympic bid

March 7, 2022
Category: International

Dave Doroghy (Vancouver, CA) has had a career as sponsorship director for the Olympics, Commonwealth Games and Pan-American Games and has been successful with two Olympic bids (Vancouver 2010 and London 2012). Now he teaches International Sports Marketing to international students at FHWien der WKW. As part of the lecture the students were asked to […]Read more on International students develop ‘Oslo 2030’ mock-Olympic bid

Employee retention – a “multi-faceted” venture

March 2, 2022

Today, young people change employers much more frequently than a few years ago. Companies are therefore increasingly looking for answers how to adapt to their employees in order to retain them in the long run. A current practical project with employees in shift work of the company BURG DESIGN is intended to show ways. […]Read more on Employee retention – a “multi-faceted” venture

CCBE goes UN

March 1, 2022

Together with a diverse group of external Business English lecturers, our Competence Center for Business English recently “left” Austria to visit the United Nations. After a guided tour through the main buildings of the Vienna International Center by our extremely engaged tour guide, we sat down for a very meaningful presentation of how labor relations […]Read more on CCBE goes UN

Website optimization using Web Analytics Lab in a business field project with BUWOG

March 1, 2022

For the optimal marketing of three prestigious Viennese properties of BUWOG, the students from the Master's program in Marketing & Sales Management took a close look at the website using the Web Analytics Lab. […]Read more on Website optimization using Web Analytics Lab in a business field project with BUWOG

Study about Pay-per-Use models in mechanical & plant engineering

February 28, 2022

The Management & Entrepreneurship study programs supported Iinx4 in an exciting study on pay-per-use models in mechanical and plant engineering. […]Read more on Study about Pay-per-Use models in mechanical & plant engineering