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Late Summer Field Trip to Italy

October 6, 2021

In the last week of September, the students in the 3rd semester of our Master's program Leadership in Tourism & Hospitality experienced plenty of Italian flair: True to the motto of culinary and sustainability, 14 students traveled to the Italian regions of Tuscany, Emilia-Romagna and Veneto. […]Read more on Late Summer Field Trip to Italy

Part 2 I On- and Offpage Optimization in Search Marketing

October 4, 2021

What needs to be done so that search engines understand a page correctly and display it for corresponding search queries? In our second part, we explain the basics of search engine optimization and how you can implement the basics without much programming effort yourself. […]Read more on Part 2 I On- and Offpage Optimization in Search Marketing

CSI Miami in Austria’s companies

September 30, 2021

Wirecard, Commerzialbank, Hygiene Austria – we are all familiar with these companies, at least since they have grabbed the headlines through financial scandals. But what actually happens behind the scenes while we learn about these cases through the media? Patrick Göschl graduated from FHWien der WKW with an MA in Executive Management and took the […]Read more on CSI Miami in Austria’s companies

Website analysis using the Web Analytics Lab in a business field project with BUWOG Group GmbH

September 28, 2021

In a business field project with BUWOG Group GmbH, students of the Master's program in Marketing & Sales Management analyze gaze patterns using the Web Analytics Lab. […]Read more on Website analysis using the Web Analytics Lab in a business field project with BUWOG Group GmbH

Part 1 I How do search engines actually work?

September 27, 2021

In the first part of our series on search marketing, we explain how search engines work, how much Google personalizes the results and present alternatives. […]Read more on Part 1 I How do search engines actually work?

SDG Day 2021: Inspiring keynote & exciting discussion

September 27, 2021
Category: Uncategorized

On September 23, 2021 FHWien der WKW hosted the SDG Day for the first time. The focus was on SDG 12: Sustainable Consumption & Production. […]Read more on SDG Day 2021: Inspiring keynote & exciting discussion

Ready to get started! The Employer Branding practical project with TUI Austria had its kick-off

September 24, 2021

One year forced break and now back again? The travel industry had to deal with many challenges. The students of the Master's program in Organizational and Human Resources Development now want to prove that employee recruitment and long-term employee retention at TUI Austria works even in times of crisis. […]Read more on Ready to get started! The Employer Branding practical project with TUI Austria had its kick-off

Digital Adventure for an interactive visitor experience in a business field project with Schönbrunn Zoo

September 23, 2021

Strategies for the optimal linking of online and offline measures, an interactive customer journey and more awareness for species conservation were developed by the Bachelor’s students from the Marketing & Sales study program in a business field project with Schönbrunn Zoo. […]Read more on Digital Adventure for an interactive visitor experience in a business field project with Schönbrunn Zoo

Part 4 I How to Become a Growth Hacker?

September 21, 2021

Growth hacking is no longer a buzzword. Considering the ever-growing start-up scene, more and more professionals who really know their stuff are in demand. We present the ideal profile of a Growth Hacker. […]Read more on Part 4 I How to Become a Growth Hacker?

Freshmen start their tourism studies

September 20, 2021

The Bachelor's program in Tourism Management starts its study life with a behind-the-scenes look at Vienna tourism landmarks. From September 7-10, 2021, 77 students received an exciting first live insight into the tourism industry during an introductory excursion. […]Read more on Freshmen start their tourism studies