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Current jurisdiction in group tax law

December 9, 2020

The tax law block of the Bachelor’s program in Finance, Accounting and Taxation (Finanz-, Rechnungs- & Steuerwesen) comprises a total of five courses. Particular emphasis is given to an interdisciplinary teaching and a practice-oriented approach. Therefore, it was especially exciting for the students to attend the guest speech of Harald Gutmayer on November 30, 2020. […]Read more on Current jurisdiction in group tax law

Improving organizational learning through the COMPASS Self-Check Tool

December 4, 2020

Senior Researcher Dr. Katharina Jarmai and co-authors publish an article about the COMPASS Self-Check Tool, which was developed within the framework of a Horizon 2020 project to help companies improve their organizational learning through self-assessment. […]Read more on Improving organizational learning through the COMPASS Self-Check Tool

Current questions of the input tax deduction in sales tax law

December 3, 2020

In the course “Value Added Tax and Transfer Taxes” in the 3rd semester of the Bachelor’s program in Finance, Accounting and Taxation an exciting guest lecture took place on November 23, 2020: The topic of the guest lecture was the deduction of input tax according to § 12 of the Austrian Value Added Tax Act. […]Read more on Current questions of the input tax deduction in sales tax law

Business Plan Award 2020

December 2, 2020

The traditional business plan award from the Bachelor’s program Management-Entrepreneurship was organized as an online event due to the current pandemic. This was no reason to stop the students’ creativity and entrepreneurial spirit how. Six business plans were presented: an online outfit creator platform, a platform to connect investors and startups, a cooking app to reduce food waste, a technical… […]Read more on Business Plan Award 2020

Can you feel the text? – A text workshop of a different kind

November 30, 2020

Elements from improvisational theater allow students from FHWien der WKW to physically experience their texts and thus promote pictorial, customer-oriented writing. […]Read more on Can you feel the text? – A text workshop of a different kind

Hot off the press: Routledge Companion to International Hospitality Management

November 30, 2020

Florian Aubke and his co-author Theodor Kubak have published a chapter on Hotel Asset Management in The Routledge Companion to International Hospitality Management. […]Read more on Hot off the press: Routledge Companion to International Hospitality Management

The winners of the prizes for Innovative Teaching have been decided!

November 26, 2020

The academic year 2019/2020 was certainly a very special year for all of us. Nobody could have foreseen when the teaching award was announced that we would have 100 % online teaching from March 12, 2020. Many submissions have shown that it is possible to convert a wide variety of courses in highest quality and […]Read more on The winners of the prizes for Innovative Teaching have been decided!

Graduate Kosima Kovar: With Green Marketing “Forbes 30 under 30”

November 24, 2020

With her green marketing agency sgreening, Kosima Kovar supports companies in implementing the UN Sustainable Development Goals in their communications. She has recently entered into the Forbes 30 under 30 for her commitment. […]Read more on Graduate Kosima Kovar: With Green Marketing “Forbes 30 under 30”

Vienna 2023 – Changing Realities. New Opportunities.

November 23, 2020

“Vienna 2023 – Changing Realities. New Opportunities.” This theme will gather the international tourism and hospitality educators’ community in Vienna in 2023. The EuroCHRIE Association (Council on Hotel, Restaurant and Institutional Education) has recently announced that FHWien der WKW will host the annual conference 2023 after a successful bidding process led by the team of […]Read more on Vienna 2023 – Changing Realities. New Opportunities.