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Lectures series Responsible Management Lectures: Ideas for Better Business

September 16, 2020

IBES of FHWien der WKW invites to public lectures with prominent guests. The climate crisis and not least the Covid-19 pandemic underline the urgency for a transformation of the socio-economic framework of our social life. With the lecture series “Responsible Management Lectures: Ideas for Better Business” IBES aims to initiate an interdisciplinary discourse on the […]Read more on Lectures series Responsible Management Lectures: Ideas for Better Business

Stars for food: Online restaurant evaluations under investigation

September 15, 2020

Ilona Pezenka, Senior Researcher at FHWien der WKW and Christian Weismayer, Assistant Professor and Senior Lecturer at MODUL University, examine more than 100,000 online evaluations of TripAdvisor in their current study. […]Read more on Stars for food: Online restaurant evaluations under investigation

Maria Riegler: The Incentive for Self-Regulation

August 31, 2020

Maria Riegler, MSc., Research Asscociate at the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) at FHWien der WKW, was presented as “Geistesblitz” (flash of inspiration) in the Research Special Supplement of the daily newspaper “Der Standard” on August 26, 2020. In the article, Maria Riegler talks about her dissertation, which she is writing at […]Read more on Maria Riegler: The Incentive for Self-Regulation

Review of an exciting Alumni Talk

August 31, 2020

Marketing & Sales alumna Martina Schachenhuber told us about her path to self-employment. “I don’t feel like when I start work on Monday I’m already looking forward to the weekend. That is one of the most beautiful achievements I have made.” At the Alumni Talk on 26 August, illustrator Martina Schachenhuber gave special insights into […]Read more on Review of an exciting Alumni Talk

Economic researcher Ann-Christine Schulz comments on manager salaries and bonuses in „Zeit im Bild“

August 25, 2020

FH-Prof. Dr. Ann-Christine Schulz, scientist in the field of corporate strategy and corporate governance at the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) of the FHWien of the WKW, was interviewed for Zeit im Bild of 24.8.2020 on manager salaries and bonus payments. In connection with the state aid to companies resulting from Covid 19, there has been increasing… […]Read more on Economic researcher Ann-Christine Schulz comments on manager salaries and bonuses in „Zeit im Bild“

The finalists for the FHWien der WKW Alumni Award have been determined!

August 24, 2020

We are especially pleased to present this year’s finalists for the “Alumna/Alumnus of the Year” award. The jury didn’t have it easy – seven impressive applications were on offer. All nominees stand out for their career paths and commitment. These three candidates finally made it to the finals: Patrick Batka, BA MA Bachelor and Master […]Read more on The finalists for the FHWien der WKW Alumni Award have been determined!

Are bonuses for managers in Corona times indecent?

August 20, 2020

Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz and Prof. Dr. Ann-Christine Schulz were asked by the Salzburger Nachrichten, among other experts, about the AUA bonuses that have since been repaid. Prof. Dr. Ann-Christine Schulz, researcher in the field of corporate strategy at IBES of FHWien der WKW, notes that this topic is related to a traditional emotionality in […]Read more on Are bonuses for managers in Corona times indecent?

Alumna/Alumnus of the Year: The Candidates

July 28, 2020

Finally the nomination period is over and in the last weeks we have received seven impressive applications for the “Alumna/Alumnus of the Year” award. The candidates were either nominated by their former study program or applied for the award themselves. Our jury will soon select the three finalists and the guests can vote for their […]Read more on Alumna/Alumnus of the Year: The Candidates

Markus Scholz: Who gets the corona vaccine first and at what price?

July 27, 2020

The pharmaceutical industry is particularly challenged in the corona crisis – also in ethical terms. The race for a corona vaccine is in full swing. Prof. Dr. Markus Scholz (FHWien der WKW) has been interviewed by the daily newspaper “Salzburger Nachrichten” about the economic-ethical assessment of corona vaccines, fair distribution and the responsibility of the […]Read more on Markus Scholz: Who gets the corona vaccine first and at what price?