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Security and Safety in developing countries – communication campaigns to strengthen relationships within a non-profit organization

February 3, 2022

Considering the client situated in the US, a students’ team of the English taught cohort from the Bachelor’s program in Corporate Communication created an innovative campaign to optimize internal communications within a non-profit-organization. […]Read more on Security and Safety in developing countries – communication campaigns to strengthen relationships within a non-profit organization

It’s YOUR center! Boosting awareness for WIEN MITTE The Mall

February 2, 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic has left its trace on stationary retail. Therefore, WIEN MITTE The Mall engaged the English taught cohort from the Bachelor’s program in Corporate Communication to create innovative activation campaigns to stimulate visits. […]Read more on It’s YOUR center! Boosting awareness for WIEN MITTE The Mall

Sustainable Development Goals and Social Skills perfectly combined

January 18, 2022

In the Social Skills 1 lecture, students from the Bachelor’s Program in Corporate Communication create awareness of selected Sustainable Development Goals using an unusual and innovative presentation format. […]Read more on Sustainable Development Goals and Social Skills perfectly combined

Communication concepts for the UNICEF project “Children’s Rights School”

January 12, 2022

How marketing communication can be perfectly combined with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in lectures is demonstrated by the case study on the project "Children's Rights School", which was created in cooperation with UNICEF. […]Read more on Communication concepts for the UNICEF project “Children’s Rights School”

International lectures: Digital marketing and intercultural consumer behavior for French partner university

December 10, 2021

The Department of Communication was represented at the International Days of the Institut Supérieur de Communication et Publicité (ISCOM) with three guest lectures on international marketing and digital marketing. […]Read more on International lectures: Digital marketing and intercultural consumer behavior for French partner university

Research on distance learning finds international resonance

December 3, 2021

E-assessments should be more than just an emergency solution. Jasmin Séra from the City of Vienna Competence Team for the Digitalization of Communication presented the various approaches at the EADTU I-HE Conference 2021 in Bari, Italy. […]Read more on Research on distance learning finds international resonance

Part 4 I Google Ads in practice

October 18, 2021

The fourth part of our Search Marketing series deals with search engine advertising (SEA), the "paid" search engine marketing with a focus on Google Ads. We explain how they work and that special attention must be paid to the so-called Quality Score. […]Read more on Part 4 I Google Ads in practice

Part 3 I Search Optimization Tools

October 11, 2021

In the third part of our Search Marketing Series we present selected Search Optimization Tools, how they can simplify SEO processes and which KPIs should be considered. […]Read more on Part 3 I Search Optimization Tools

Part 2 I On- and Offpage Optimization in Search Marketing

October 4, 2021

What needs to be done so that search engines understand a page correctly and display it for corresponding search queries? In our second part, we explain the basics of search engine optimization and how you can implement the basics without much programming effort yourself. […]Read more on Part 2 I On- and Offpage Optimization in Search Marketing

Part 1 I How do search engines actually work?

September 27, 2021

In the first part of our series on search marketing, we explain how search engines work, how much Google personalizes the results and present alternatives. […]Read more on Part 1 I How do search engines actually work?