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Recognizing, debunking and counteracting conspiracy myths

May 29, 2024

Elka Xharo, Academic Expert & Lecturer for Information Technology in the Digital Economy Study Programs, spoke about conspiracy myths at the “Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024” at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. In the weeks leading up to the event, she was interviewed by numerous media outlets as an expert in science awareness.

In the podcast “Cosmic Latte”, Elka Xharo chats about galaxies, stars and the fascinating wonders of our universe. More than 20,000 people follow her account “The Sciency Feminist” on Instagram. As an expert in science awareness, the medical physicist shed light on the rhetorical tricks behind conspiracy narratives at the “Lange Nacht der Forschung 2024” and took a close look at fake news about vaccination.

Dealing with “fake news” and conspiracy myths is one of the defining communication topics of our time. In her talk and in interviews with ORF, Kronen Zeitung, Wiener Zeitung and DerStandard, Elka Xharo gave practical tips on how to deal with conspiracy narratives in a personal context.

But what can be said in general about dealing with conspiracy myths?

  • No one is immune to conspiracy myths. There is no difference between the levels of education.
  • The scientific community must also come down from its ivory tower to communicate to the general public how science and scientific findings work.
  • To successfully counter conspiracy myths, people need to be trained to recognize them before they believe in these narratives.

If a family member or friend is caught up in a conspiracy myth, it is no longer about facts, but about emotions. The self-esteem of the affected person must also be considered. A personal conversation – preferably in private – can help to ask questions and recognize their deeper motives. To lead people out of the conspiracy myth, it is important to maintain appreciative contact – even if it is difficult at times.

Overview of the interviews (all in German):

ORF 2 “Aktuell nach eins” from May 24, 2024: “Wie den Verschwörungstheorien entgegenwirken” (available until June 22, 2024) DerStandard from May 23, 2024: “Elka Xharo: Feministische Forscherin entzaubert Verschwörungsmythen” Kronen Zeitung from May 23, 2024: “In Fake-Falle getappt: Darum ist man nicht dumm” Wiener Zeitung from June 6, 2024:

„Fakten gegen Fake News: Wer bestimmt, was stimmt?“