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Review of the keynote speech “Trends in Marketing 2018” by Oliver Wolf

February 15, 2018

Marketing methods are changing every day and it requires flexibility and creativity for companies to compete at the highest level. In particular, challenges in digital marketing will increase in complexity in the new year. Oliver Wolf summarized the trends that could play a profitable role in marketing strategies for 2018.

Oliver Wolf is characterized by 10 years of marketing experience. He has worked for companies such as “Zalando”, “Marc O’Polo” and “ProSieben.” In his current role as VP Marketing for “paysafecard,” he and his team manage the marketing for 45 countries.

At the beginning of the keynote speech, Wolf explained what marketing looks like in different industries and also similarities between different industries.

According to Oliver Wolf, the well-established, but often criticized tool, the newsletter is still ranked as number 1 in existing customer marketing. But the trend in 2018 will continue towards personalized content marketing.

In his presentation, Oliver Wolf described the relevance of Real Time Advertising (RTA), Segmentation, Targeting / Retargeting, Cross Selling, Wearables, Real Time Bidding (RTB), 360 Degree Customer View, Scoring, Return on Investment (ROI), DoubleOpt In, Affiliate Marketing and Influencer Marketing, including questions from the audience.

Generally speaking, many trends from the previous year will remain in 2018. It is particularly important to continue focusing on identifying appropriate target groups and addressing them as personally as possible while taking emotional aspects into consideration.