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School students start companies – Study area management & entrepreneurship in the jury of the “Junior” competition of Vienna

June 5, 2018

On May 16th, Johanna Kain from the study area of management & entrepreneurship supported the election of Vienna’s best Junior company as one of six jury members. The students’ business ideas ranged from lifestyle drinks to upcyling-products and fashion.

During the „Junior Achievement Austria“ program, high-school students between the age of 15 to 19 transform their own business ideas into a real company (“junior company”). During a school year, the students experience hands-on what it means to start a company, including financing, management and about delegating tasks within a team.

One of the highlights of the Junior-year are the „Landeswettbewerbe“, where the best Junior-companies of a federal state compete against each other. The Viennese competition of this year took place in the Raiffeisenforum. As one of six expert jury members, Johanna Kain from the study area of management & entrepreneurship assessed the Junior companies in the categories exhibition stand, jury interview, company report and stage presentation. The decision was hard, as there were many great projects to choose from. In the end, the winner of the Viennese competition of 2018 was the Junior company “WoodBoom JC” from the SZU Ungargasse in the 3rd district. This company will represent Vienna on the Austrian competition on June 25th.

FHWien der WKW was pleased to be in contact with motivated and innovative young people at such an early stage and wishes the participating students all the best with their ongoing projects!