In the winter semester 2024-25, students of the Bachelor’s program in Marketing & Sales developed an innovative concept for recruiting voluntary mentors for disadvantaged young people.
In a business field project with the association T.I.W. – Training, Integration und Weiterbildung, students in the 3rd semester of the Bachelor’s program in Marketing & Sales at FHWien der WKW developed a new concept for the continuing education program “SK!MP” (Skill Improver by TIW) in order to recruit volunteers for language training. The program for the association, which has been supporting young people with a migration background since 2004, was developed in a past business field project by Marketing & Sales students. FHWien der WKW students help disadvantaged young people to improve their school skills and thus increase their chances on the job market.
Flexibility and personal benefits motivate students
First, the team launched a survey among students to investigate the motives for volunteering. The results showed a generally high willingness to volunteer if the commitment can be organized flexibly and the personal benefits, such as certificates, are clearly communicated. The resulting concept combines flexibility in time management with a target group-oriented approach via digital channels such as social media. Information events and a rebranding are also planned to increase awareness of T.I.W. The team was coached by Academic Expert & Lecturer Marina Prem and Bernhard Pfaffeneder, lecturer at FHWien der WKW.
Enthusiasm at the pitch in front of T.I.W.
In a professional pitch at agency level, the six students presented their concept to Andreas Pollak, Managing Director of T.I.W., at the end of the semester:
“Working with young people is always very inspiring. Our expectations of the students have been completely exceeded. I have been working with FHWien der WKW for years, especially with Ms. Prem. Great projects have always been created.”
The cooperation shows how practical training at FHWien der WKW creates added value for society and how students actively contribute to solving real challenges!