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Sports journalism up close: Successful workshop at FHWien der WKW

July 8, 2024

For the third time, the sports journalism workshop at FHWien der WKW inspired participants with practical exercises and valuable insights into the industry.

TeilnehmerInnen des Workshop Sportjournalismus 2024 an der FHWien der WKW gemeinsam mit Mirna Jukić © Raimund Drost/FHWien der WKW
© Martin Reichenauer/FHWien der WKW
© Martin Reichenauer/FHWien der WKW
© Martin Reichenauer/FHWien der WKW
© Martin Reichenauer/FHWien der WKW
© Martin Reichenauer/FHWien der WKW

Theory and practice: a perfect interplay

Right at the beginning of the workshop, the participants were introduced to current inputs and trends in sports journalism. Led by Martin Reichenauer, himself a former longtime sports reporter and now Academic Expert & Lecturer TV & Video at FHWien der WKW, the participants received valuable input on the latest developments in the industry.

Getting started with the practical side happened immediately: Austria’s most successful swimmer and Olympic medal winner Mirna Jukić was a guest and spoke openly about the highs and lows of her career. The participants learned which questions are no-gos for athletes and what their relationship with the media is like.

Versatile modules and real-world applications

The second day was dedicated to moderation training with Volker Piesczek. In the in-house TV studio of the FHWien, the participants rehearsed live appearances in front of the camera and received direct feedback on their performance. The focus was on both speaking technique and presentation skills.

In the “Copywriting” module, Mareike Boysen, editor at ballesterer, explained the special features of different types of texts for print and online. The participants learned how to adapt their texts to the respective medium in order to convey their messages effectively.

Knowledge enhancement and interactive formats

A highlight of the week was a video shoot with boxing world champion Nicole Wesner. At the MT Gym23 boxing center in Alterlaa, the participants were able to ask questions and try out different camera angles. Accompanied by experienced journalists such as Wolfgang Ilkerl and Patrick Maurer, an impressive TV portrait of Wesner was created.

© Martin Reichenauer/FHWien der WKW

> Zum Video

Podcast production and live commentary

A visit to the Kurier Media House also provided hands-on experience. After a short tour, the young journalists interviewed the sports editors for a podcast. Under the guidance of Kurier podcaster Stefan Berndl, they learned how to ask specific questions, create an intro for a podcast and edit it using Audacity.

Another highlight was the live commentary training. Under the guidance of ORF coach Mark-Michael Nanseck, the participants were able to test their skills in commentating on sports events. They were able to choose from three sports – swimming, soccer and Formula 1 – for which they wanted to provide live commentary in front of the microphone.

Press relations in sports journalism

The last day of the workshop focused on the “other side” of sports reporting – press relations. Susanne Polansky, former ÖFB and current press officer of Sporthilfe, showed the differences between the two “worlds”. In addition to practical tips on how to communicate sports events, she also shared her experience of accompanying professional athletes such as Marko Arnautovic to major tournaments.

Conclusion: A valuable experience for aspiring sports journalists

The sports journalism workshop at FHWien der WKW offered participants practical training in various areas of sports journalism. From moderation training and copywriting for print and online to video journalism and podcast production, the budding journalists gained comprehensive insights and were able to test their skills in realistic settings. Prominent guests and experienced professionals joined the workshop and provided valuable practical tips.

Interested? Pre-registration for the next workshop is now open. Contact us by e-mail and secure your place!