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On the status quo of Industry 4.0

September 21, 2022

TU Vienna invites – together with the IDS of FHWien der WKW – to the “Made in Austria+” Forum above the roofs of Vienna

Arbeiter in einer Industriefabrik arbeiten an einer Turbine
Fotocredit: © EIT Manufacturing – iStock

With the platform “Made in Austria – The Future of Production in Austria”, TU Vienna in cooperation with Fraunhofer Austria, EIT Manufacturing and the Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS) at FHWien der WKW identifies the needs and challenges of Austrian manufacturing companies. The survey, which has been conducted annually since 2019 on relevant topics, provides a scientifically sound representation of the current situation of production work in Austria and current expectations for the future.

Initial results of the current study show a deterioration in competitiveness for Austrian production sites, while at the same time the global outlook of domestic experts remains positive. After the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which were thought to have been overcome, none of the companies surveyed is now spared by the effects of the war in Ukraine. Almost half of the companies are strongly or very strongly affected by it. In the area of digitalization, it can be said that the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in production and production-related areas has arrived in Austrian industry. Digital assistance systems have also become established and are now used in the majority of the companies surveyed, among other things for workplace learning. After all, the human workforce is gaining in importance in the areas of planning, organization, maintenance and innovation. Austrian experts expect a general increase in the number of employees with a simultaneous reduction in production and production-related areas.

The study results will be presented on October 14 at the “Made in Austria 2022+: Forum for Production in Austria” at TUtheSky. The event will not only present the results of the industry panel “Made in Austria – Production Work in Austria”. In addition, the forum offers a day full of exciting presentations by experts from business, science and society. Visitors can also look forward to hands-on experiences at exhibited demonstrators and personal exchanges with other industry experts above the rooftops of downtown Vienna.