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Students take over the toilet advertising space

February 26, 2025

Right at the start of the semester, students on the bachelor’s program Management & Entrepreneurship at FHWien der WKW launched an exciting practical project with the innovative start-up tissu4u.The aim: to position toilet paper as an unconventional and effective advertising format in the B2B sector.

Revolutionizing direct marketing

tissu4u has set itself the goal of revolutionizing the world of direct advertising. The Austrian start-up provides free toilet paper for end customers, financed by advertisements on the roll itself.

Toilet paper in the spotlight

The project kicked off with a visit from tissu4u to the FH at the beginning of the semester. The representatives of the start-up not only presented their business model, but also vividly demonstrated the potential of their advertising space. Without further ado, toilet paper was rolled out in the corridor to illustrate how many advertising messages can be accommodated in a space-saving manner. This unconventional presentation generated a lot of interest and showed the students the challenge that lies ahead of them.

Creative communication strategies for three target groups

As part of the practical project, the students take on the role of marketing and communication experts. Their task is to develop an innovative concept for tissu4u that effectively addresses the company’s three main target groups:

  • Advertising customers
  • Partner companies
  • End customers

The students will develop a communication strategy that addresses the specific needs and channels of the three stakeholder groups. The central criteria and benefit arguments for each group will be identified and implemented in creative communication solutions.

We are delighted to be working with the students from FHWien der WKW. We are looking forward to the fresh ideas and innovative approaches that will emerge from this project. We are confident that the students will help us to fully exploit the potential of toilet paper as an advertising space,” says Nadine Zollpriester from tissu4u, looking forward to the cooperation.

The results of the project will be presented in the form of an interim and a final presentation at the end of the summer semester. In addition, a final report will be submitted that meets scientific standards.

>> More information about the Bachelor`s program Management & Entrepreneurship