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Students visit visionary sparkling wine production

July 11, 2024

Schlumberger, Austria’s most traditional wine and sparkling wine producer, is expanding into Burgenland and is building one of Europe’s most modern sparkling wine production facilities in Müllendorf. Real Estate Management students were given an exclusive insight into the new production facility.

Carmen Dilch, board member of the Austrian Logistics Association and Academic Expert & Lecturer in the study program, organized the tour and gave the students a practical look at a project with sustainable construction methods and climate-friendly technology.

Pioneering building project

Sustainability plays a central role in the construction of the new site: energy-efficient technologies (e.g. with a 100 KWp PV system on the roof of the building) and resource-conserving construction methods are used. This makes the project one of the most modern production facilities for sparkling wine in Europe and enables Schlumberger not only to expand its production capacities, but also to integrate new technologies in sparkling wine production.

The project is completed by the creation of new jobs, which will secure the continued existence of the traditional Schlumberger company and at the same time strengthen the regional economy.

Carmen Dilch: “I would like to thank Schlumberger for the opportunity to give the students an exclusive insight into this exciting construction project. The guided tour of the construction site with Mr Meszarits, Director Supply Chain & Production, showed what an innovative and sustainable project is being realized here and how tradition and modernity are being combined.”

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