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Study presentation at CWTC 2024 in Krems

June 4, 2024

What defines Viennese cuisine? Academic Expert & Lecturer Daniela Wagner and graduate Sonja Pfnier are currently investigating this question. Together, they presented the initial results of their study at CWTC 2024 in Krems.

They are focussing intensively on the concept of ‘Gastronomic Identity’ according to Harrington. Last year, Sonja Pfnier, Head of the Gourmet Club at Falstaff Verlag, carried out a quantitative study as part of her Master’s thesis. She investigated the question of what impact Viennese cuisine has on the identity of the Viennese.

The qualitative part of the study will follow in June 2024. This will deepen the quantitative findings and analyse specific influencing factors in more detail.

The CWTC 2024 (Culinary and Wine Tourism Conference) took place from May 22-25, 2024 in Krems and is organized by FHWien der WKW, the DGT (German Society for Tourism Science) and IMC Krems alternately every two years.

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