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Study Tourism & Hospitality Management in “dual variant”? – Questions & Answers

February 23, 2023

Study and collect a salary at the same time? Yes, it’s possible – with the Bachelor’s program in Tourism & Hospitality Management at FHWien der WKW: “Dual study” refers to the integration of at least two equivalent learning locations in terms of content and structure – the university and the company as a practical partner – for a jointly designed education at university level.

Starting in fall 2023, we will be dividing our Tourism & Hospitality Management study program into two parts with different approaches: In addition to the familiar full-time variant, there will also be a “dual variant” for the first time for half of the students, i.e. for 34 of a total of 68 first-year students.

What is a dual study program?

A dual study program is characterized by the regular alternation between theoretical and practical phases. There is an interlocking of learning locations: academic learning location (FHWien der WKW) and practical learning location (practical partner company). For the dual study format there are the same credits as for the full version: 180 ECTS for 6 semesters.

What is the difference between the full-time and dual variant of the Bachelor’s program in Tourism & Hospitality Management?

The first two semesters (of a total of six) are the same for both study variants and take place in presence on campus of FHWien der WKW. After that, there is the following distinction with regard to the practical integration: The full-time variant includes (as before) a professional internship over the entire fourth semester in Austria or abroad as the only mandatory practical experience. In the dual format, practice is integrated as part of the study program in the second and third year.

What is the advantage of the dual variant over full-time format?

Students in the dual variant have the advantage of already having two years of work experience after completing their Bachelor’s degree after three years. And, of course, they already earn a fixed salary during these two years.

What is the advantage of the full-time option over the dual study program?

The full-time variant is designed internationally and provides for an internship abroad in the fourth semester or, alternatively, a semester abroad at a partner university in the fifth semester.

Which option is more suitable for whom?

In the full-time variant, you learn the subject matter from the theoretical side. This is particularly suitable for people who have a more systemic, holistic approach to learning. In the dual format, you work for two years in a tourism company and learn more practical than theoretical knowledge.

The fundamentally same learning objectives are thus achieved via different learning paths: lecture hall or practice, theoretical or experience-oriented learning paths. In the end, both variants offer a fully-fledged course of study that is completed with the same title.

What exactly does the practical part of the dual study program look like?

The students of the dual study program are employed by a pracitcal partner in a regular job for 20 hours/week over a period of four semesters. They have to go through an application process – for which they are of course prepared at FHWien der WKW. For this job, students receive not only a salary (which varies depending on the industry and which they negotiate independently) but also credits as for full-time study program. In addition to the relevant work experience, the practical partners also provide part of the training, which now takes place in the company and not in the lecture hall.

What jobs do you do with the practical partners in the dual variant?

With the practical partners, it is usually the case that the students go through a rotation program in the company over the four semesters: That means they work in different areas for a certain period of time in order to get to know the company from different angles. Exactly what and where depends on the type and size of the company.

What is the application process for the practical partners?

In the first two semesters, which take place entirely at the university of applied sciences, students receive the basic theoretical equipment that prepares them for a job with one of the practical partners. In addition, there is application training in the 1st semester and the practical partners present themselves to the students. In the 2nd semester, the actual application takes place, where the students naturally receive support in their preparation. The application procedure and the selection of students is the responsibility of the practical partners.

What about the service contract and salary with the practical partners?

Salary negotiations and the conclusion of the employment contract take place directly and independently between the practical company and the students. FHWien der WKW has no influence on this.

How many study places and how many applicants are there usually?

There are 68 study places per year, which will be divided equally between the full-time (VZ) and dual (DL) variants starting in the fall: i.e. 34 places full-time + 34 places dual.

What about applying for one of the two study variants?

The application phase for both study variants started in January 2023. One already applies specifically for one or the other variant and the study places are allocated according to a predefined selection procedure. On average, there are three times as many applicants as study places. Please submit your application for a study place by March 27, 2023. Documents must be received no later than March 31. All information & deadlines can be found on our website.

What is the selection process?

In April, the two-stage selection process from the applicants begins: First, an computer-based admissions test takes place online, covering general cognitive skills. This is followed in May by the second stage in the form of an assessment center.

What does the degree program qualify students for?

After graduation, graduates will be in a position to shape tourism – and to do so sustainably and digitally. In particular, the young generation that is now coming wants to shape things concretely and make a difference. They want to have a say, play a role, see meaning in their work and be an active part in the working environment. Our motto “”Studying real business” explains exactly this educational aspiration.

Why should I study Tourism & Hospitality Management in Vienna? What are the major plus points of FHWien der WKW?

Vienna is one of the leading tourism destinations in Europe and is regularly voted the “most livable city in the world”. The biggest advantage of FHWien der WKW is the good network that has been built up over the almost 30 years since this degree program has been offered here. On the one hand, these are the cooperating companies, which we now call practice partners, but also our graduates, who are widely known in the tourism industry. And last but not least, a big plus is the possibility to personalize the study program – either in the full-time version via the specializations or, in the dual study program, via the choice of the practice partner and the corresponding industry sector.

What career opportunities does the degree program open up?

A Bachelor’s degree is increasingly becoming a hiring criterion for a better job in tourism, especially in larger companies. Moreover, an academic title is not only a proof of a professional qualification, but it also affirms a corresponding personality development that comes with a degree.

Where can one get information? Are there any information events?

Here you can find all information about the study program in Tourism & Hospitality Management – both the full-time and the dual version.

In addition, there will be an information event at FHWien der WKW on March 8, 2023 from 17:30-19:00.

Note: The dual version of the study program in Tourism & Hospitality Management is currently in the “accreditation phase” and has yet to be officially approved by the relevant bodies.