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The fresh wind of insurance management

April 18, 2023

Whereas not so long ago job applicants had to distinguish themselves and present themselves, the situation has changed completely. Now companies are presenting themselves from their best side. Many companies are giving a lot of thought to how they can make their professional fields more attractive – this opens up new perspectives, also in the insurance industry.

If you’re reading this, we probably don’t need to get you fundamentally excited about the topic of “insurance business” anymore. We’ll do that anyway, especially by outlining the special features of our new Bachelor’s Program in Insurance Management at the Vienna Management Academy by FHWien der WKW – but in a different article.

Because at this point, we want to look at where the fresh wind is blowing from – and why you should take your chance in the insurance industry NOW.

The new opportunity in the industry

In addition to specialist knowledge and social skills, creativity and the ability to innovate are more in demand and desired than ever before. This was not always the case – on the contrary.

In connection with this, a major change is currently taking place. And employees can now not only enjoy this change, but also actively shape it! You should take advantage of this opportunity immediately, because this situation will not last forever.

We are at the beginning of a comprehensive change and this fact must now be faced by every company – from the small insurance brokerage office to the large company. It will be less about the products, although in the insurance sector, of course, you have to stay on trend and keep developing new things. Instead, the big issues are sustainability and digitization as well as process optimization to make everything faster and easier, and last but not least, everything has to become greener and more social.

The great change in insurance management

The will among the companies is there – but it still needs the best workers for it! People are moving back into the foreground, products into the background. In order for the “wind of change” to take hold, there needs to be  awareness that this change must begin with each individual person, then with the company, and only then can the industry be transformed!

Or looked at the other way around: You can’t get an industry to change anything unless the companies are behind it and the people behind the companies are behind it.

It is also about rebuilding and shaping the image of insurance. Young people in particular, who have a good education, can get involved and help shape this! The retirement wave of the baby boomer generation not only brings with it the problem of an acute shortage of workers, but also the great opportunity of a reorientation: Where command-and-control used to be the norm, now meaning-oriented work can and should follow, designed for sustainability in all areas.

Apply now and study Insurance Management

The insurance industry is urgently looking for employees who bring this new, sustainable and digitally oriented thinking with them! In addition, it needs a combination of very good, ideally academically supported specialist knowledge and leadership skills. And this is exactly the mix offered by the new Bachelor’s Program in Insurance Management at FHWien der WKW.

To answer your questions about our Bachelor’s Program in Insurance Management, please contact our Head of Program, Katharina Rotter, BA MA for a personal consultation at 0800 40 00 77-07 or via email.