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FHWien der WKW at the 15th Research Forum for Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences

ForscherInnen der FHWien der WKW beim FFH 2022 in Villach, Kärnten
Danila Ortiz, Ilona Pezenka, Klaus Fritz, Maria Schallar, Christoph Tautscher
Campus der FH Kärnten
Campus Villach of FH Kärnten
Klaus-Peter Fritz beim FFH 2022
Klaus-Peter Fritz as one of the chairs of the panel „Strategies for sustainable tourism development“
Daniela Ortiz beim FFH 2022
Daniela Ortiz at the panel „Energy, Environment & Mobility“
Ilona Pezenka beim FFH 2022
Ilona Pezenka's poster presentation "Emotional messages in non-profit ads"

On April 20 and 21, 2022, FH Kärnten invited to the 15th Research Forum for Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences at the FH Campus in Villach. After the cancellation in 2020 and the virtual event hosted by FHWien der WKW in 2021, current research projects and resulting findings were presented and discussed under the motto “Creating Impact – becoming effective together”. While the track “Cross-border Cooperation” was dedicated to getting ahead through cross-border FH research, the track “Together towards Sustainability & Resilience” looked towards a sustainable and resilient future – with active participation of FHWien der WKW.

Klaus Fritz of the Tourism & Hospitality Management Study Programs was one of the chairs of the panel “Strategies for Sustainable Tourism Development”, which dealt with the impact of tourism on destinations as a quality living space. The ” Tiroler Weg” (Tyrolean Way) was presented, for example. An “Open Tourism Policy Loop”, in which the gap between research and practice is to be overcome through a consulting and research strategy. In addition, first experiences with the certification of sustainable tourism and the opportunities and risks of Big Data models for destinations were discussed.

The “Energy, Environment & Mobility” panel was characterized by practical applications and models, such as solvent-free cathode production for Li-ion batteries, the impact of energy price fluctuations on new business models for wind power marketing, and the development of a digital twin for tracked photovoltaic systems. In this panel, Daniela Ortiz of the Institute for Business Ethics and Sustainable Strategy (IBES) presented an interim status of the ongoing MA23 project of the City of Vienna Competence Team “TransformS”. The presentation on the required strategic change competencies of companies for the transformation towards sustainability led to a concluding discussion. In this context, the time frame and scope for upcoming system changes as well as the relevance of leadership and regulations as drivers for transformation were discussed. It concluded with the hope that the scientific findings can be transformed into economic practice for the benefit of all.

Ilona Pezenka of the Marketing & Sales Management Study Programs demonstrated the impact of different fundraising appeals in NGO commercials on credibility and likelihood to donate as part of the poster presentation “Emotional Messages in Non-Profit Advertising.” In non-profit fundraising advertising, emotional appeals such as fear or joy are often used to build trust and attract long-term supporters. The results confirm that in the environmental field, credibility is an important factor, but fear appeals should definitely be used to elicit appropriate reactions and behavioral changes. It can therefore be concluded that environmental organizations should always convey realistic content, while avoiding extremes and exaggerations.

The 15th Research Forum for Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences was concluded by the political panel with the Federal Minister for Education, Science and Research, Martin Polaschek, and the Governor of Carinthia, Peter Kaiser. This was followed by an exchange on the statements of politics with the President of the Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences Ulrike Prommer and Sabine Herlitschka, before the CEO of Infineon Austria AG presented a final highlight of the exciting and insightful FH Research Forum 2022 with her keynote address “Effectiveness of research: of opportunities and urgencies”. The 16th Research Forum of Austrian Universities of Applied Sciences will take place in St. Pölten in spring 2023.