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Tourism Event Projects

June 5, 2020

Students develop event concepts for Baden Tourism Board and Phoenix Yachting

Abschlusspräsentation Baden Tourismus
Studierende des 6. Semesters BA Tourismus-Management, Klaus Lorenz, GF Baden Tourismus und Lektorin Kathrin Hoffmann / (c) Kathrin Hoffmann
Abschlusspräsentaton Phoenix Yachting
Studierende des 6. Semesters BA Tourismus-Management, Alexander Wulff-Gegenbaur, CEO Phoenix Yachting / (c) Kathrin Hoffmann

The elective „Eventmanagement“ in the 6th semester from the Bachelor’s degree program in Tourism Management generally includes working on projects from the tourism industry. In this way, students get to transfer their theoretical knowledge into practice.

On behalf of the Baden Tourism Board and Phoenix Yachting, students created professional event concepts. Due to the current COVID 19 crisis, most of the event management process work took place virtually.

The focus of the Baden Tourismus project was a concept for the relaunch of an event called “Rosentage Baden”. Students have restructured the former event concept and designed a completely new concept (title, main focus, parts of the event). Additional they made a target group analysis, designed a gastronomy concept and packages for event visitors. The student team worked in an extremely well-structured manner, communicated professionally with their customer and presented creative ideas. Klaus Lorenz, Head of Baden Tourism Board was thrilled about the final presentation and the results. He promised to integrate all their ideas in the next event in 2021. Furthermore he already arranged a press appointment with the students.

On behalf of Phoenix Yachting, a yacht charter and charter management company, another student team designed an event concept to present the new business units “incentives” and “sailing study weeks”. With the implementation of this new business, the company acts also as travel agent. Therefore this event should also promote communication and networking with potential partners.

Students presented a fantastic and innovative event and cooperation concept. Alexander Wulff-Gegenbauer, Alumni of the study programs Tourism  Management and CEO of Phoenix Yachting was thrilled about the results. He also wants to integrate ideas in the event next year.

Our student teams were supported by our lecturers Kathrin Hoffmann and Martin Egger, both event management professionals.