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University meets business: Proper accounting to be learned in practice!

February 17, 2022

Together with S+B Gruppe AG, FHWien der WKW started a company project in the last winter semester, which enabled the students to test their knowledge in practice and to develop an accounting manual for an international recognized project developer in the real estate industry.

In the 3rd semester of the Bachelor’s program Finance, Accounting & Taxation, the course “Company project” provides practical experience and helps the students to understand and analyze complex business tasks in order to elaborate appropriate business solutions. Within the course the students had the opportunity to gain instructive insight into the management of S+B Gruppe AG, an international company which has successfully dominated the real estate market for years.

Supervised by Mag. Helga Csokay the students worked in two different groups, in order to supplement an existing group accounting manual, thereby elaborating the correct accounting and presentation of two real estate issues in accordance with IFRS 15, namly “Bilanzierung von Mehrkomponentengeschäften“ and “Bilanzierung von Vertragskosten“.

On November 20, 2021 the final concepts were presented by the group speakers Philip Doppler and Matea Tulumović in attendance of Wolfgang Eder, member of the S+B Gruppe AG Management Board.

You can find out more about the Bachelor’s program in Finance, Accounting & Taxation at FHWien der WKW here.