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Virtual Mobility in the Bachelor’s program Corporate Communication

April 26, 2018

Nina Trinkl represented FHWien der WKW at this year’s COIL conference (Collaborative Online International Learning) in New York

Nina Trinkl from the Department of Communication attended the conference of the State University of New York and gave a talk on working in virtual, international teams as a teaching method. This year’s COIL conference was themed “Global Learning for All”. In addition to many interesting lectures, contacts to international teachers were made to start more virtual projects.

In the summer semester of 2018, Bachelor’s students from the 2nd semester of the Corporate Communication program will work in intercultural, virtual teams in the modules Public Relations (Kirstie Riedl) and Communication Case Study (Nina Trinkl).  Partner universities are the Hogeschool van Amsterdam (Netherlands) and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (Australia). The first virtual project in the Corporate Communication degree program started in the 2016 summer semester.

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