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We create & communicate: Product innovations for Confiserie Heindl

May 29, 2019

The 35 students in the 4th semester of the Bachelor’s program in Communication Management faced a special task: as part of the business field project, they were asked by Confiserie Heindl to develop new products for the target groups “tourists” and “Generation Y” and to come up with an integrated communication campaign for them. Heindl family gave the students completely free rein to their creative ideas.

Six groups gave their best for three months to convince the clients of their concept and to show what they had learned so far. On Monday, May 20, 2019, the final presentation took place at FHWien der WKW. In the presence of the Heindl family each group delivered a professional, innovative and creative pitch. The clients were overwhelmed by the product concepts, which were planned down to the last detail from the ingredients to the packaging. The marketing campaigns inspired with well thought-out integrated communication measures at the most important touch points of the customer journey of the target Group.

“It is unbelievable with how much professionalism the projects were developed. Every single group was great! I have rarely seen such professional presentations. Every single idea and campaign can be implemented directly,” Walter and Andreas Heindl, the managing directors of the Confiserie, praised the students after the presentations.

After an exciting morning, the choice of the two winning groups was very difficult. Finally, the teams “Donauagentur” and “Vienna Calling” won. Over the next few weeks, the two winning teams will again present their product and communication proposals to an extended management team at the Heindl factory in Liesing in order to discuss possible implementations of the concepts.

The project coaches Kirstie Riedl and Lisa Leone congratulate all teams on this successfully completed practical Project!

>> Click here for the practice project video