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Website optimization using Web Analytics Lab in a business field project with BUWOG

March 1, 2022

For the optimal marketing of three prestigious Viennese properties of BUWOG, the students from the Master’s program in Marketing & Sales Management took a close look at the website using the Web Analytics Lab.

Especially in the real estate industry, a user-friendly online presence is mandatory, because the first impression counts when marketing a property. Clarity and convenience for potential buyers are the top priorities here. To this end, BUWOG Group GmbH commissioned students from the Master’s program in Marketing & Sales Management at FHWien der WKW to analyze and optimize the microsites of three prestigious Viennese properties as part of a business field project. In addition, the students created innovative marketing campaigns online and with smartphones using virtual tours, gamification and user-generated content to ensure engagement and interaction with customers.

Marketing & Consumer Research via Web Analytics Lab

The market research, which was clearly based on a strategic analysis, initially included an analysis of eye tracking using the Web Analytics Lab. Together with data from personal interviews with the test persons, this provided a comprehensive picture of the clarity of the websites.

The master’s students skillfully supplemented the derivation of clear recommendations for action for the optimization of the online presence with new, experimental implementation proposals for campaigns that enable an online presence at the pulse of the digital age.

>> Watch the video

Elena Traindl, responsible for Digital Marketing at BUWOG Group GmbH, was particularly enthusiastic about the fresh ideas:

“We can pick up a lot for website optimization and for campaign development, especially to be more experimental once in a while!”

Ingrid Fitzek-Unterberger, Head of Marketing and Communications, summarizes the successful completion of the business field project as follows:

“We are very happy with the market research results, we’ll be able to pull a lot out of that in terms of how we can change things. The creative concepts were very strong, the output from the students was remarkable!”

Additionally, Senior Researcher and coach Ilona Pezenka underlined the high quality of the results:

“Using the Web Analytics Lab was certainly a challenge at first. However, the students got into it very quickly. The results turned out very well!”


We educate the marketing experts of tomorrow! The Master’s program in Marketing & Sales Management at FHWien der WKW offers a comprehensive, holistic, strategic view rather than pure specialist knowledge. The educational goal is clearly to prepare students for leadership and management tasks.

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