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Writing Center Project Closing Event

November 25, 2021
Pflanze, Laptop
Fotocredit: Sigmund auf

„Schreiben(d) lernen und lehren an Hochschulen – Das Schreibzentrum 3.0 der FHWien der WKW“ (2017-2021), funded by the City of Vienna.

25.11.2021, 09:30-13:00

The Writing Center at FHWien der WKW is a project funded by the City of Vienna until the end of 2021 and is part of the Teaching & Learning Center as an interdisciplinary institution.

Since its foundation in 2012, the Writing Center has supported students in developing their writing skills – especially in writing scientific (final) papers. With the expansion of the Writing Center (project “Schreiben(d) lernen und lehren an Hochschulen – Das Schreibzentrum 3.0 der FHWien der WKW”, duration: 2017-2021), not only the offers for students were expanded (workshops, individual consultations), but above all further training opportunities for teachers were created. The teaching of writing skills is based on three pillars: 1) academic writing, 2) professional writing, and 3) writing for personal development. Students are supported and teachers are trained on these three levels. What is important here is the holistic approach: writing and the teaching of writing skills by instructors is seen as a key qualification that is central not only in academic studies, but also in academic or professional contexts. Students are guided in writing their academic papers and are also encouraged in their professional and personal development.

During the virtual project closing event, project results and selected practical examples were presented and an outlook on further developments was given.


Event program (in German)