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Young media users’ trust in public service news programs

June 13, 2024

In ORF’s latest Public Value Report, Gisela Reiter of the Department of Communication (DoC) – side by side with political expert Peter Filzmaier – sheds light on the question “Why can I trust ORF news?” and focusses on the role of ORF as a reliable source of information for young people.

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In today’s media landscape, the question of trust in news services is of crucial importance. Particularly young viewers are confronted with a flood of information from different sources and must learn to distinguish between serious and dubious content.

Losing trust in traditional media and the role of ORF

The ORF’s Public Value Report notes a general loss of trust in traditional media, particularly among young user groups. There are many reasons for this: the increasing fragmentation of the media landscape, the spread of fake news on social media and skepticism towards established institutions in general are contributing to a feeling of disorientation and uncertainty among young people.

In this environment, ORF sees itself as an anchor for reliable and balanced reporting. ORF provides a broad network of journalists who research and report with high quality standards. In addition, it offers a diverse range of news formats tailored to the needs of different users.

For young people in Austria, ORF remains an important source of reliable information. In order to maintain and build on this trust, ORF must constantly develop its offering and face up to the challenges of the digital media world. The article “Young consumers’ trust in public service news programs” by Gisela Reiter provides valuable insights in this regard.

The questions that ORF needs to ask themselves

  • How can trust in media use be implemented?
    Trust in traditional media and their principles are still high. ORF must be established as a kind of “seal of approval” for balance and quality of its news offerings on all platforms. But how can ORF reach young audiences in genres, formats and styles that are suitable for them?
  • How can media literacy be fostered?
    Young people often have a high level of media literacy, supported by a next generation that will have school subjects such as “basic digital education” from an early age onwards. But are these digital skills sufficient and what role can and should ORF play here?
  • How could ORF address different groups, needs and experiences – and create inclusive discussion forums?
    ORF must use its still great advantage to emphasize and conscientiously strengthen its position as a promoter of democracy. But how can ORF stay in touch with its audience sufficiently and regularly?

Gisela Reiter emphasizes that young people trust in ORF, especially in crisis situations. They appreciate ORF’s factual and balanced reporting and the opportunity to obtain information via various channels, especially social media.

Challenges and Need for Action

However, the article also shows that there is room for improvement. To maintain and expand the trust of young people, ORF should focus its services related to the needs of this young user groups. This includes the ongoing development of innovative online formats, the increased use of social media and the involvement of young people in media reporting.