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Press Release

30 Years as Leading University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication

September 10, 2024

FHWien der WKW is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year. Since 1994, it has produced over 15,100 graduates.

Vienna, September 10, 2024 – Austria’s university of applied sciences (FH) sector turns 30 this year: the first FH degree programs were launched in 1994. One of these was the Tourism Management diploma program at FHWien der WKW. This made it one of the pioneers among Austrian universities of applied sciences. Since then, FHWien der WKW has continuously expanded its range of degree programs – always with a view to the changing needs of companies and students. Over the years, the proportion of part-time programs has increased significantly. However, FHWien has remained true to its focus on management and communication. 

Two thirds of lecturers come from the business world

The degree programs and continuing education programs at FHWien der WKW are characterized by a strong practical orientation. The lecturers play an important role in this: „We have practitioners in the lecture halls,” explains CEO Michael Heritsch: „Two thirds of our lecturers are experts and managers from the business world – executives, project leaders, specialists and self-employed professionals. Our students benefit from the experience they gain on the job.” The renowned university ranking U-Multirank has confirmed this practical relevance: In the category „Contact to Work Environment”, FHWien der WKW ranks among the 25 best universities – out of around 1,800 worldwide.

FHWien alumni are in high demand on the job market

FHWien der WKW currently offers 20 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs as well as numerous continuing education programs for working professionals. „Our Master’s programs are exclusively part-time. Most of the Bachelor’s programs can be completed part-time or full-time, and in one case as a dual degree program,” explains CEO Michael Heritsch. The degree programs belong to nine areas:

  • Communication Management
  • Digital Economy
  • Financial Management
  • Human Resources & Organization
  • Journalism & Media Management
  • Management & Entrepreneurship
  • Marketing & Sales Management
  • Real Estate Management
  • Tourism & Hospitality Management

Since 1994, more than 15,100 people have completed a degree program at FHWien der WKW. „Our graduates are in high demand on the job market. Companies appreciate the practical academic training they have received from us,” says Heritsch.

All degree programs teach business skills

The degree programs at FHWien der WKW not only teach the respective subject-specific content, but also business and communication know-how that is useful in any profession: “All of our Bachelor’s programs offer a basic business education, and all Master’s programs prepare students for management tasks – regardless of the subject area,” reports Michael Heritsch. The change towards an ecologically and socially sustainable economy as well as the digital transformation, which is profoundly changing every professional field, are also topics in all programs.

Continuing education for professionals

More and more people are studying alongside their jobs or attending shorter continuing education courses. In addition to part-time degree programs, the continuing education programs offered by FHWien der WKW are also of interest to them. They include Bachelor’s and Master’s programs lasting several years as well as shorter courses. In cooperation with FHWien der WKW, companies have the opportunity to tailor a continuing education program exclusively for their own employees. With the acquisition of the Hernstein Institute for Management & Leadership in January 2023, FHWien der WKW has once again significantly expanded its portfolio – while remaining true to its clear focus on management and communication.

FH research provides solutions for companies

In addition to teaching, research is the second central field of activity at FHWien der WKW. The focus here is on responsible corporate governance and sustainability, digitalization and digital transformation as well as strategic management. In addition, the study programs research issues from their specialist areas, such as marketing, human resources management or tourism. The university also works closely with the business world in research. The starting point for many projects is concrete challenges from business practice. The knowledge gained through academic work benefits companies directly and provides them with valuable solutions and impulses.

Learn more about FHWien der WKW:

Website of FHWien der WKW 


FHWien der WKW is celebrating its 30th anniversary. Since its foundation in 1994, it has remained true to its focus on management and communication.
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Copyright: Andreas Hofer

“Two thirds of our lecturers are experts and managers from the business world. Our students benefit from the experience they gain on their jobs,” explains Michael Heritsch, CEO of FHWien der WKW.
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Copyright: feelimage | Matern

FHWien der WKW – University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication 

FHWien der WKW is Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management & communi­ca­tion. Its Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs offer more than 2,800 students a practice-oriented academic education. Around 900 people are completing a continuing education program at FHWien. Two thirds of the lecturers come directly from the business world. The close coopera­tion with local companies in teaching and research optimally prepares students for their careers. Since its foundation in 1994, FHWien der WKW has already produced over 15,100 graduates.


Bernhard Witzeling
Head of Corporate Communication, Marketing and Alumni & Career Services, Press Officer
Tel.: +43 (1) 476 77-5731