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Press Release

The Nominees for the 2023 Journalism Young Talent Award Have Been Selected

September 7, 2023

For the fifth time, FHWien der WKW will present the highly coveted award for journalists in training. The winners will be announced on September 25, 2023.

Vienna, September 7, 2023 – The Journalism Young Talent Award of FHWien der WKW aims to support aspiring journalists in their career entry and offers them a platform to present themselves to the profession as well as to a larger audience.

The prize is awarded in four categories:

  • Radio & Audio
  • TV & Video
  • Text
  • Multimedia

For students and alumni of FHWien der WKW, a special award will be given in the category “Best Thesis”. An expert jury will evaluate the submitted works, consisting of two professionals from each category as well as the respective academic heads of FHWien der WKW.

The award ceremony will take place on Monday, September 25, 2023, starting at 6:00 p.m. Registration for the award ceremony is requested: 

Register now

The nominees:

Category 1: Radio & Audio

Hannah Fasching Freund oder Feind? Das Radio im digitalen Zeitalter.
Derya Metzler Tiergestützte Therapie am Bauernhof
Sophie Schwaighofer Cybercrime

Category 2: TV & Video

Mathias Blaas, Michael Baumgartner Dumpstern aus Leidenschaft
Severin Dringel, Friedrich Hainz, Markus Lösel, Dominik Blümel Der Snus-Schmäh – Das neue Geschäft mit der Sucht
Laura Valentina Lorber, Andrea Gutschi Fremdkörper – Transgender im Bodybuildung

Category 3: Text

Fanny Gasser Wenn Welten aufeinanderprallen
Johannes Meissner Alte Gewohnheiten
Emily Weber, Lea Zechner „Solange man nicht darüber spricht“: Im Zwiespalt von Queerness und Kirche

Category 4: Multimedia

Marie Essert, Barbara Veit, Paul Koren Inside Ibiza
Viktoria Kapp, Nicolas Dworak, Emil Dietrich Junge Kriminelle? – Jugendkriminalität zwischen Stigmatisierung und Einzelschicksalen
Lea Vorhauser, Elena Sterlini, Sarah Stallinger Südtiroler:in sein

Category 5: Best Thesis

Caroline Bartoš Tabuthema Suizidalität: Wenn Worte Leben retten
Nicole Carina Ot, Jakob Greimel essenswert
Michael Schön Gegen das System – Aufstieg und Fall der MFG


On September 25, 2023, FHWien der WKW will present the Journalism Young Talent Award for the fifth time.
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Copyright: FHWien der WKW

FHWien der WKW – University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication 

FHWien der WKW is Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management and communication. Its Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs offer more than 2,800 students a practice-oriented academic education. Around 900 people are completing a continuing education program there. Two thirds of the lecturers come directly from the business world. The close cooperation with local companies in teaching and research optimally prepares students for their careers. Since its foundation in 1994, FHWien der WKW has already produced around 14,400 graduates.


Bernhard Witzeling
Head of Corporate Communication, Marketing and Alumni & Career Services, Press Officer
Tel.: +43 (1) 476 77-5731