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Press Release

FHWien der WKW Launches Vienna Management Academy

February 1, 2022

The leading university of applied sciences for management and communication is rebranding its continuing education programs for professionals and expanding these offerings.

Vienna, February 1, 2022 – Lifelong learning is a must for today’s employees. People who want to be successful in their careers, should continuously develop their qualifications – and be able to prove it with a recognized certificate. FHWien der WKW has been offering academic continuing education programs for professionals since 2014. As of now, the university of applied sciences presents these programs under the umbrella of a new brand: the Vienna Management Academy. Its motto is: “From good to great!” In the future, this line of offerings is to be expanded – with a focus on management, communication and marketing, digital transformation, sustainability and real estate. In this way, FHWien der WKW is responding to the growing interest in continuing education courses that prepare students for their next career move.

High proportion of lecturers from the business world

“FHWien der WKW is Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management and communication. Our study programs are highly practice-oriented: Two-thirds of our lecturers are experts and managers from the business world,” explains CEO Michael Heritsch. “This close networking with companies makes the Vienna Management Academy the ideal provider of continuing education programs for people who are in the middle of their working lives and want to advance professionally. More and more graduates of our Bachelor’s and Master’s programs are also taking advantage of the academic continuing education programs in the spirit of lifelong learning.” With around 1,700 graduates in this sector to date and currently around 800 students, FHWien der WKW is the second largest provider of continuing education programs for working professionals among Austria’s universities of applied sciences.

Combining studies, work and private life

The study programs at the Vienna Management Academy are tailor-made for working professionals. Classes are held in blocks on Fridays and Saturdays. Thanks to the distance learning component of around 50 percent, part of the continuing education programs can be completed independently of time and location. “With this form of organization, we make it easier for our students to combine further education, job and family,” emphasizes Wolfgang Vrzal, Head of the Vienna Management Academy. Nevertheless, the study programs offer enough opportunities for exchange with lecturers and colleagues. “Many students confirm that they particularly benefit from networking with experts and managers from their own industry, but also from other areas,” continues Vrzal.

Continuing education as a career springboard

Starting a study program that lasts between two and four semesters in addition to one’s job requires careful consideration. But Wolfgang Vrzal is convinced that there are good reasons for doing so: “A continuing education program allows you to develop both personally and professionally. You progress  ‘From good to great!’, as our claim puts it. For many students, the degree becomes a career springboard. Because through further education, they can underpin the practical experience they have already acquired in their professional lives with a theoretical foundation at university level.” Last but not least, they show commitment and perseverance, which recommends them for higher tasks, says the Head of the Vienna Management Academy.

Sustainability as the focus of new continuing education programs

The portfolio of the Vienna Management Academy by FHWien der WKW comprises 19 study programs in 15 fields of study, including the International MBA in Management & Communications. A steady expansion of the portfolio is planned for the future. Starting in fall 2022, it will be able to attend a program in Sustainable Finance Management for the first time – either as a three-semester program with an MBA degree or in one- or two-semester compact variants. The fact that sustainability is a focus topic of the Vienna Management Academy is illustrated by another Master’s program, which will also start in 2022: the MA (CE) International Sustainability Communication. Digital transformation is a further core topic of the Vienna Management Academy. The MSc program in Digital Communication and Marketing has been popular for years. It addresses the business community’s need for communication professionals with IT qualifications and enables careers in digital marketing.

Those who successfully complete a program at the Vienna Management Academy either graduate as an academic expert or are entitled to use the academic titles MBA, MSc or MA (CE) – awarded by FHWien der WKW, Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management and communication.

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FHWien der WKW presents its continuing education programs for professionals under the umbrella of a new brand: the Vienna Management Academy.
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Copyright: Andreas Hofer

“Close networking with companies makes the Vienna Management Academy the ideal provider of continuing education programs for people who are in the middle of their working lives and want to advance professionally,” explains Michael Heritsch, CEO of FHWien der WKW.
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Copyright: feelimage | Matern

“Through continuing education programs, you can develop personally and professionally,” Wolfgang Vrzal, Head of the Vienna Management Academy, is convinced.
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Copyright: Flo Hanatschek

FHWien der WKW – University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication

FHWien der WKW has been Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management & communication for over 27 years. Working in close contact with Austrian corporations, FHWien der WKW offers comprehensive and practice-oriented academic programs to over 2,800 Bachelor’s and Master’s students. Two thirds of our teaching staff have a background in business. Our programs are tailored to the needs of companies, optimally preparing our graduates – around 12,700 to date – for their future careers.


Bernhard Witzeling
Head of Corporate Communication, Marketing and Alumni & Career Services, Press Officer
Tel.: +43 (1) 476 77-5733


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