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Press Release

New Master’s Program Links Sustainability and Communication

March 1, 2022

At FHWien der WKW, the English-language Master’s program in International Sustainability Communication will start in September 2022 – a unique degree program in Austria.

Vienna, March 1, 2022 – Sustainability is a complex issue. There is an urgent need for experts who can meet the challenges companies face in this area. This includes communicating sustainability issues in a professional manner. Starting in September 2022, the Vienna Manage­ment Academy at FHWien der WKW will offer a Master’s program developed with the help of experts from business, NGOs and research. The curriculum, which is unique in Austria, combines international communication and sustainability. The new degree program will be taught entirely in English and with 50 percent distance learning, it is tailored for working professionals.

Developing, implementing and communicating sustainability strategies

“The Master’s program in International Sustainability Communication will provide thought leaders and decision makers with the knowledge and skills they need to understand and communicate sustainability issues to different stakeholders,” says Head of Program Kirstie Riedl of the Vienna Management Academy at FHWien der WKW. “Graduates will be able to participate in and speak about the development and implementation of sustainability strategies in companies.” The curriculum covers all topics of corporate communication at Master’s level and examines them from the global and sustainability perspective. Dedicated modules create an understanding of the multidisciplinary nature of sustainability.

Studying flexibly with 50 percent distance learning

Innovative teaching and learning methods and its strong practical relevance characterize the Master’s program. “Students benefit from our close ties with the business community,” emphasizes Kirstie Riedl. “In projects, they develop solutions for real tasks from companies. This gives students access to potential employers.”

The new Master’s program can be easily reconciled with the needs of working students. The topics are dealt with in lectures, seminars, workshops and excursions. The courses are held in blocks on Fridays and Saturdays. Students and teachers meet at the conveniently located campus of FHWien der WKW or in other modern seminar rooms in a central location. 50 percent of the degree program can be completed independently of location and, in some cases, at flexible times via the Internet.

Four-semester program with Master’s degree

The English-language Master’s program in International Sustainability Communication is ideal for graduates of study programs in communication or business. However, thanks to its interdisciplinary nature, it is also suitable for individuals with prior studies in sustainability, health and the environment, as well as alumni of science or engineering programs. The Master’s program lasts four semesters. Its graduates obtain the new title “Master of Arts (Continuing Education)” – MA (CE) for short. Alternatively, it is possible to complete a two-semester short form of the program as an Academic Expert in International Sustainability Communication.

Vienna Management Academy bundles FHWien der WKW’s continuing education programs

The Master’s program in Sustainability Communication is offered by the Vienna Management Academy, which was introduced in February 2022. FHWien der WKW has bundled its continuing education programs for working professionals under this new brand and plans to expand this line of offerings steadily. “Sustainability in business is a focus topic of the Vienna Management Academy and FHWien der WKW in general,” emphasizes Wolfgang Vrzal, Head of the Vienna Management Academy. “For companies that want to remain successful in the long term there is no way around dealing with all dimensions of sustainability.” Communicating aspects of sustainability in a professional manner is therefore an important competence, the acquisition of which the new Master’s program supports.

Details about the Master’s program in International Sustainability Communication as well as information about the application and costs can be found on FHWien der WKW’s website:

Master’s Program in International Sustainability Communication

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The English-language Master’s program in International Sustainability Communication will start at FHWien der WKW in fall 2022 – a unique program in Austria that combines sustainability and communication.
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Copyright: Andreas Hofer

The Master’s program in International Sustainability Communication stands out for its strong practical relevance. “This gives students access to potential employers,” says Head of Program Kirstie Riedl from the Vienna Management Academy of FHWien der WKW.
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Copyright: feelimage | Matern

“Sustainability in business is a focus topic of the Vienna Management Academy and FHWien der WKW in general,” emphasizes Wolfgang Vrzal, Head of the Vienna Management Academy.
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Copyright: Flo Hanatschek

FHWien der WKW – University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication 

FHWien der WKW has been Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management & communication for over 27 years. Working in close contact with Austrian corporations, FHWien der WKW offers comprehensive and practice-oriented academic programs to over 2,800 Bachelor’s and Master’s students. Two thirds of our teaching staff have a background in business. Our programs are tailored to the needs of companies, optimally preparing our graduates – around 12,700 to date – for their future careers.


Bernhard Witzeling
Head of Corporate Communication, Marketing and Alumni & Career Services, Press Officer
Tel.: +43 (1) 476 77-5731