Applications for the 18 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs at FHWien der WKW are open now
You can apply for your favorite degree program at the University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication until May 13th, 2019. […]Read more on Applications for the 18 Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs at FHWien der WKW are open now
Young Journalist Wins “Alumna of the Year 2018” Award at FHWien der WKW
ARD employee Vera Gasber received the award in the context of the "Alumni Night 2018" in Palais Wertheim. […]Read more on Young Journalist Wins “Alumna of the Year 2018” Award at FHWien der WKW
Students of FH Wien der WKW Win Prälat Leopold Ungar Journalism Prize
Philip Pramer, Gabriele Scherndl and Elisa Tomaselli created a multimedia-project on 24-hour nurses from Eastern Europe as part of the project "OIDA". […]Read more on Students of FH Wien der WKW Win Prälat Leopold Ungar Journalism Prize
Five Candidates, one Juror: Young Scientists Present their Research Fields Live on Radio NJOY 91.3
In the radio show "Wissenschaftsradio" taking place on October 30, 2018, five young researchers have 90 seconds each to present their work and convince science journalist Andreas Jäger. […]Read more on Five Candidates, one Juror: Young Scientists Present their Research Fields Live on Radio NJOY 91.3
FHWien der WKW Confers the Title ‘FH Professor’ to Four Employees
Beate Huber, Sieglinde Martin, Ann-Christine Schulz and Daniela Süssenbacher were awarded for their achievements and merits in research and science. […]Read more on FHWien der WKW Confers the Title ‘FH Professor’ to Four Employees
FHWien der WKW at the EBEN Research Conference 2018
"Beyond corruption – fraudulent behavior in and by companies" is the topic of the conference which has been co-organized by the Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics at FHWien der WKW. […]Read more on FHWien der WKW at the EBEN Research Conference 2018
International Sales Conference Took Place at FHWien der WKW
The world's most renowned sales scholars discussed "Sales 2020 – Managing Customer Relationships in Disruptive Environments" at the GSSI conference 2018 at FHWien der WKW. […]Read more on International Sales Conference Took Place at FHWien der WKW
Research into Microeconomics of Competitiveness by New Endowed Chair at FHWien der WKW
Focus will be on gaining practically relevant insights for Vienna as a business location. […]Read more on Research into Microeconomics of Competitiveness by New Endowed Chair at FHWien der WKW
5th Anif Journalism Days 2018: Application Phase Started – Focus on Campaign Journalism
The study program Journalism & Media Management at FHWien der WKW, in co-operation with JTI Austria once again invites interested parties to the Anif Journalism Days. Applications are possible until May 22, 2018. […]Read more on 5th Anif Journalism Days 2018: Application Phase Started – Focus on Campaign Journalism
FHWien der WKW in Perugia: Journalism Students Report on the International Journalism Festival 2018
For the second time, selected students from Bachelor’s and Master’s programs in the study program Journalism & Media Management at FHWien der WKW will report on the International Journalism Festival in Perugia. […]Read more on FHWien der WKW in Perugia: Journalism Students Report on the International Journalism Festival 2018