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Press Release

Transformation Camp Brings Pioneers of the Working World to FHWien der WKW

March 6, 2025

Top speakers such as Krishna Manda, Antoinette Weibel and Otti Vogt will be addressing pressing issues relating to change in companies at the “Un-Conference” on April 10 and 11, 2025.

Vienna, March 6, 2025 – For the second time, FHWien der WKW’s Human Resources & Organizati-on study programs are hosting the Transformation Camp in cooperation with fifty1. Under the motto “Ego – Economy – Ecology”, the two-day event is dedicated to highly topical issues such as business transformation, organizational development, change management, agility, new work, sustainability and technological disruption. The innovative “Un-Conference” event format allows participants to meet at eye level and design their own interactive sessions and workshops.

Visionary ideas from international experts

Krishna Manda, Vice President of Corporate Sustainability of the Lenzing Group, will kick off the Transformation Camp on April 10, 2025 with his keynote speech “The Delicate Dance Between Driving Performance and Being Human”. At Lenzing, he is responsible for the sustainability and ESG strategy and the strategic dialog with stakeholders and political decision-makers. His aim is to drive change in the industry. At the Transformation Camp, he will talk about how to successfully integrate sustainability into the core business and promote a value-based cultural change.

Prof. Dr. Antoinette Weibel, a leading voice in the field of trust research and Professor of Human Resources Management at the University of St. Gallen, will present her findings on the role of trust in modern organizations. In her keynote with Otti Vogt on April 11 entitled “FREEDOM TO FLOURISH: A Radical Transformation of Work”, she will shed light on what a radical transformation of work can look like.

Otti Vogt, former COO and Chief Transformation Officer at ING and now a sought-after consultant for cultural transformation, will share his experience in designing agile and people-centric organizations. Vogt’s approach combines technology and humanity and shows how companies can find a balance between efficiency and employee wellbeing.

Honest exchange about the personal transformation journey

“The Transformation Camp is more than just a conference – it is an expedition that creates space for an open and honest exchange about one’s own transformation journey,” explains Christina Schweiger, Head of Human Resources & Organization Study Programs at FHWien der WKW. “With the Transformation Camp, we want to create a framework in which ideas can sprout, and transformation can succeed.  It is a unique opportunity to learn from the best and become part of a network of changemakers.”

Un-Conference: knowledge transfer on an equal footing

In 2025, the Transformation Camp will once again focus on the innovative format of an unconference. The participants themselves actively design workshops, discuss in keynotes and exchange ideas without rigid structures. This participatory approach, which was enthusiastically received at the last Transformation Camp, enables knowledge transfer on an equal footing and promotes fast and intensive networking among the participants.

Master students as session hosts

The students of the Master’s degree program in Organizational & Human Resources Development at FHWien der WKW will prepare their own session at the Transformation Camp. In this way, they will meet practical issues during their studies and can make valuable contacts.

Networking and exchange at the highest level

Managers, HR experts and futurologists are expected to attend the second Transformation Camp at FHWien der WKW. This makes the Transformation Camp a must-attend event for anyone who wants to play an active role in shaping the working world of tomorrow. An innovative networking app enables participants to make contacts and arrange meetings in advance.

Further information and tickets for the Transformation Camp 2025:

Find out more and secure tickets now


The second Transformation Camp on April 10 and 11, 2025 at FHWien der WKW will be attended by Master’s students from the university of applied sciences as well as thought leaders from the world of work.
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Copyright: fifty1

“The Transformation Camp is more than just a conference – it is an expedition that creates space for an open and honest exchange about one’s own transformation journey,” explains Head of Study Programs Christina Schweiger from FHWien der WKW.
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Copyright: feelimage | Matern

FHWien der WKW – University of Applied Sciences for Management & Communication

FHWien der WKW is Austria’s leading university of applied sciences for management and communication. Its Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programs offer over 2,800 students a practical academic education. Around 900 people complete a continuing education program at the university. Two thirds of the teaching staff come directly from industry. The close cooperation with local companies in teaching and research prepares students optimally for their careers. Since its foundation in 1994, FHWien der WKW has already produced around 15,100 graduates.


Bernhard Witzeling
Head of Corporate Communication, Marketing and Alumni & Career Services, Press Officer
Tel.: +43 (1) 476 77-5733