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In an increasingly digital world, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education is becoming ever more important. The project ‘AI in educational sector of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce’ investigates the impact of AI on education and how it can be effectively used in teaching.

To optimize this transition, the educational institutions of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce (WKW) are developing scientifically based recommendations to be completed by June 2025. The project aims to:

  • understand how AI will transform the acquisition of skills,
  • explore societal developments concerning skill requirements in the context of AI, and
  • establish an AI-hub that consolidates comprehensive resources and data on AI in education.

Funding agency: Vienna Chamber of Commerce – Education Management
Project period: 01.03.2024 to 30.06.2025
Duration: 16 months

WKO Wien

Project Description

The project offers comprehensive approaches for understanding, optimizing and proactively using AI in WKW’s education sector. It significantly enhances the future viability of educational institutions by addressing both the immediate needs of the different institutions and the long-term requirements of the job market.

© Emanuel –
  • Research and Data Collection: Developing research questions and problems, designing and implementing data collection methods, processing results and documenting studies and developments.
  • Innovation: Identifying and evaluating new AI technologies, developing strategies for the use of AI and conducting experiments to implement and test AI applications.
  • Consulting and Training: Organizing training measures and developing proposals for guidelines.
  • Interdisciplinary Collaboration and Needs Assessment: Encouraging collaboration between technical teams, education experts and researchers, as well as identifying opportunities to improve teaching with AI.

Project Goals

Research-Based Recommendations: Scientifically sound recommendations will be developed to support the use of AI in WKW’s educational institutions.


Project Leader: Tilia Stingl (Department of Digital Economy at FHWien der WKW)

  • Patrick Rupprecht (Institute for Digital Transformation and Strategy (IDS) at FHWien der WKW)
  • Isabel Rodenas (Department of Digital Economy at FHWien der WKW)
  • Alexandra Traxler (Vienna Chamber of Commerce)
  • Silja Ziemann (Institute for Economic Promotion of the Vienna Chamber of Commerce)
  • Andreas Miksche (Department of Management at FHWien der WKW)