Project Description
Part-time students have so far rarely taken advantage of the opportunity to spend time abroad relevant to their studies. This is probably due to the personal and/or professional life situation of the students or also because the classic semester abroad is not a suitable format for them.
Cooperation as the key to success in international activities
The network of partner universities at FHWien der WKW has grown rapidly in recent years. In many cases, cooperation has remained sporadic, focused on student exchanges, for example. Through an evaluation of the cooperations
- the quality of the university partnerships is ensured
- the most important partner universities are identified
- the partnerships will be developed efficiently
Project Goals
As a result of the project, an example of good practice is available that can be included as a mobility format in the curricula of part-time degree programs. After an evaluation and classification of the university partnerships, FHWien der WKW should have the best possible network of partner universities for sustainable cooperation.
Partner Organizations
In the framework of the project, cooperation with several universities will take place. For details, please contact the project leader.