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FHWien der WKW, together with a consortium of five prominent stakeholders in the real estate sector and Anna-Vera Deinhammer, established the Endowed Chair for Sustainable Real Estate Development. Ms Deinhammer will research and teach as an endowed professor in the Real Estate Management Study Programs at FHWien der WKW for five years on sustainable and resource-efficient development of existing and new properties.

In particular, the interplay between the aspects of climate neutrality, circular economy and climate change adaptation in alignment with current normative framework conditions at EU and national level will be focused on.

Anna-Vera Deinhammer is also involved in European and international organizations (including the World Green Building Council, Climate Positive Europe Alliance, Circular Building Coalition) on behalf of the Austrian Green Building Council ÖGNI as an Austrian voice and serves as Director for Circular Cities and Regions on the board of the Circular Economy Forum Austria.

Project Description

Annually, the Austrian construction and property industry is responsible for roughly 25 % of CO2 emissions, 40 % of waste generation and approximately 12 % of economic output. It is therefore imperative to establish the endowed professorship for Sustainable Real Estate Development by June 2023.

By integrating innovative governance structures based on the quadruple helix approach, sustainable finance and integral engineering, this chair contributes significantly to the sustainability transformation. Its transdisciplinary research and teaching approach promotes the training of specialists who will be able to utilize sustainable solutions in future practice. In addition, the endowed professorship promotes awareness of the role of the construction and real estate industry as a key player in tackling climate change.

Main Research Areas

"Practical is also best in theory"

During one of my initial conversations for the endowed professorship, I was immediately struck by the FHWien der WKW slogan, which also serves as the basis for my research approach, because I want my research to have a meaningful impact and create ideas for solutions for the economy.

The research of the endowed professorship is based on the design science approach. It aims to identify practice-orientated and innovative solutions, developing them where necessary and continuously optimizing them based on feedback from practice. This approach is essential, as a sustainable and resource-efficient built environment is a complex cross-sectional issue requiring a wide range of social, economic and technical competences over the entire life cycle of a property.

Dipl-Ing. Dr. techn. Anna-Vera Deinhammer
Endowed Chair for Sustainable Real Estate Development

Five companies endowed the Chair for Sustainable Real Estate Development:

  • TPA Steuerberatung GmbH
  • BUWOG Group GmbH
  • LENIKUS Immobilien GmbH
  • Erste Bank der österreichischen Sparkassen AG
  • Raiffeisen Bank International AG

In feedback loops, the endowment holders articulate their individual research needs, which are integrated into the joint research strategy as effectively as possible by the endowed professor. The necessary trans-disciplinary approach is practiced from the very beginning of the professorship. This can already be seen in the composition of the endowing consortium, which brings together different perspectives and issues along the entire value chain.

Project Goals

  • Innovation area 1 – Governance: Analyzing the institutional framework conditions and processes for promoting a sustainably built environment
  • Innovation area 2 – Financing Instruments: Development of innovative financing instruments and business models that utilize sustainability as an economic driver
  • Innovation area 3 – Integral Engineering: Optimizing the development, planning and operation of real estate to meet future sustainability requirements

Sustainability as a key topic in research and teaching

In the context within the mentioned design science approach, the results will be reflected and discussed in close cooperation with the endowing organizations involved. The findings will be published in specialist media, presented at relevant conferences and systematically integrated into teaching. This ensures wide-ranging dissemination and application of the findings.

Design Science