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Research at FHWien der WKW

Publications & Presentations

Found 1530 publications

Intercultural Training Tool Kit: Activities for Developing Intercultural Competence for Virtual and Face-to-face Teams

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: SIETAR Europa Intercultural Book Series
Authors: Hansen, E., Torkler, A., Covarrubias Venegas, B.
Category: Editorship
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Introducing the Dilemma of Societal Alignment for Inclusive and Responsible Research and Innovation

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Journal of Responsible Innovation, Vol. 5 (3), pp. 316-331.
Authors: Ribeiro, B., Bengtsson, L., Benneworth, P., Bührer, S., Castro-Martínez, E., Hansen, M., Jarmai, K., Lindner, R., Olmos-Peñuela, J., Ott, C. & Shapira, P.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Institute for Business Ethics & Sustainable Strategy

Ist Wissen Macht? Wissen als gesellschaftliche Tatsache. Zweite, erweiterte Auflage

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Velbrück Wissenschaft
Authors: Stehr N., Adolf M.
Category: Monograph
Study program: Communication Management


Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Society
Authors: Stehr, N., Adolf, M.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Communication Management

Kommunikation als Schlüsselkompetenz für Führungskräfte des 21. Jhdts. - Learnings für die Wirtschaft von Profi- und Stardirigenten

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Fachhochschule Wiener Neustadt
Authors: Rupprecht, P.
Category: Abschlussarbeit/Dissertation
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Lerne die Regeln um sie zu brechen! Die Rolle der Organisationslogik in Veränderungsprozessen.

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltungsreihe "HR Progress Frühstück", 22.03.2018, Wien
Authors: Schweiger, C.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Lerne die Regeln um sie zu verändern! Die Rolle der Organisationslogik in Veränderungsprozessen.

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Zeitschrift für Angewandte Organisationspsychologie (GIO), 49, 289-294
Authors: Schweiger, C., Kump, B.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Lying and distracting with images

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: DGPuK-Fachgruppentagung Visuelle Kommunikation 2018
Authors: Russmann, U.
Category: Podium at scientific conference
Study program: Journalism & Media Management

Making a Difference in Business and Society: Strategic Philanthropy and Creating Shared Value

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Families of Impact, Bank Gutmann AG, Vienna (AT), November 9.
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Management der sozialen Verantwortung in KMU

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Keynote bei Business Frühstück der UBIT-Gruppe „csr experts“, Wirtschaftskammer Wien, Vienna (AT), May 30.
Authors: Ortiz, D. & Kronenberg, C.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Institute for Business Ethics & Sustainable Strategy

Mit Österreichern ins Geschäft kommen — Vorurteile, Fakten, Erfahrungen

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Wirtschaftskammer Sopron, Interreg V-A Österreich-Ungarn, Jan. 25
Authors: Eschenbach, S., Jelinek, M.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Digital Economy

Motive und Gründe für die Einrichtung von Beiräten im Mittelstand

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: 22. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, Innovation und Mittelstand (G-Forum), Stuttgart (DE).
Authors: Busch, A., Schulz, A.-C. & Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Competence Center for Strategy & Competiveness

Möglichkeiten der Gestaltung individualisierbarer Montagearbeitsplätze vor dem Hintergrund aktueller technologischer Entwicklungen

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: ZfA (Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft), ISSN 2366-4681, DOI: 10.1007/s41449-018-0128-5, Berlin, Heidelberg
Authors: Schlund S., Mayrhofer W., Rupprecht P.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

New Horizons for Second-Order Cybernetics

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Second Thoughts on Cybernetic Unifications, World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte Ltd.,201, Pg. 152, ISBN 9789813226265 (ebook), 9789813226258 (hbk.)
Authors: Stingl de Vasconcelos Guedes, T., Riegler, A., Müller, K.H., Umpleby, S.A.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Digital Economy

Nico Stehr: Pioneer in the Theory of Society and Knowledge.

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Springer
Authors: Adolf M.
Category: Editorship
Study program: Communication Management

On Harrison White. Rethinking relations in public relations

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Public relations and social theory. Key figures and concepts (2. Auflage, S. 137-157)
Authors: Winkler, P. & Wehmeier, S.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Communication Management

Organisationskommunikation im Zeichen der Digitalisierung

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Nomos
Authors: Duschlbauer, T., Martin, S., Saffarnia, P.
Category: Editorship
Study program: Communication Management

Organisationslogik für Veränderungen

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Magazin Training, Nr. 2/2018, S. 42-43
Authors: Schweiger, C., Kump, B.
Category: Article in industry media
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Panel zu "Paidmodelle - Chancen und Herausforderungen"

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Futurezone Day 2018
Authors: Reiter, G.
Category: Podium at practice oriented event
Study program: Journalism & Media Management

Poverty, Injustice, and Inequality as Challenges for Christian Humanism

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Berlin: Duncker & Humblot.
Authors: Schlag, M. & Ortiz, D.
Category: Editorship
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics