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Research at FHWien der WKW

Publications & Presentations

Found 1530 publications

The Impact of Earnings Expectations on Corporate Downsizing

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Strategic Management Journal, Vol. 39, pp. 2691−2702.
Authors: Schulz, A.-C. & Wiersema, M. F.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

The Institutionalization of MBA Programs in Germany

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: European Academy of Management Conference, Reykjavik (IS).
Authors: Schulz, A.-C. & Fehre, K.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

The Integration of Corporate Social Responsibility into Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Formality in Informality?

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: 34th EGOS Colloquium, Tallinn (EE).
Authors: Ortiz, D., Domnanovich, J. & Kronenberg, C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

The Limitations of the Business Case. Why Creating Shared Value Cannot Extinguish Destructive Business

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: 8th International Conference on Sustainability and Responsibility, Cologne (DE).
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

The performativity of theorizing. How theories shape narratives of progress in PR research.

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: 68. Jahreskonferenz der International Communication Association Conference (ICA), Prag, Tschechische Republik
Authors: Winkler, P. & Etter, M.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Communication Management

The Why and When of Corporate Norm-Making

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Committee meeting of Economics and Ethics, Münster (DE), February 23.
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Toward a dynamic capabilities scale: measuring organizational sensing, seizing, and transforming capacities

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Industrial and Corporate Change,
Authors: Kump B, Engelmann A, Kessler A, Schweiger A
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Towards a dynamic capabilities scale: Measuring organizational sensing, seizing, and transforming capacities

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Journal of Industrial and Corporate Change
Authors: Kump, B., Engelmann, A., Kessler, A., Schweiger, C.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Transfer Prices for Coordination under Decentralized Decision Making

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: In: Müller, D. & Trost, R. (Eds.): Game Theory in Management Accounting: Implementing Incentives and Fairness, Basel: Springer International Publishing, pp. 71-89.
Authors: Löffler, C.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Unternehmen und Hochschulen als Schlüsselpartner für die Erreichung der SDGs

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: FHWien der WKW, April 12.
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Podium at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Up in the Cloud? Trust and Teambuilding For Virtual Teams

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Intercultural Training Tool Kit: Activities for Developing Intercultural Competence for Virtual and Face-to-face Teams
Authors: Covarrubias Venegas, B., Cabrera Cuadrado, C., Miller, S.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Verantwortung am Stundenplan

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: corporAID Magazin, Heft 74, pp. 30-31., by Katharina Kainz-Traxler
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Article in industry media
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Verpflichtender Dialog – Diskrepanzen zwischen Theorie und Praxis

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: prmagazin
Authors: Rußmann, U., Lane, A. B.
Category: Article in industry media
Study program: Communication Management

Versagen des Souveräns und warum brauchen wir Collective Action?

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Jour fix im Justizpalast, Vienna (AT), September 13.
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Veränderung ist schwer - Digitale noch viel mehr. Zur Logik des Gelingens in digitalen Transformationsprozessen

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Vortrag auf der Messe Zukunft Personal, 13.11.2018. Wien
Authors: Covarrubias-Venegas, B., Schweiger, C.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Veränderungen begünstigen nur den, der darauf vorbereitet ist: Eine Strategie für Forschung, Technologie und Innovation (FTI) im Burgenland

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: in Pehm, G., Plaiker, P. (Hrsg.); Burgenländisches Jahrbuch für Politik 2013-2015, Facultas, Wien, 2018
Authors: Mayrhofer, W., Huber, S.
Category: Article in scientific journal (not peer reviewed)
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Wahlkampf auf Instagram und was bei Wählern ankommt und was nicht

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: DGPuK-Fachgruppentagung Visuelle Kommunikation 2018
Authors: Russmann, U.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Journalism & Media Management

Warum Khashoggis Tod die Konzerne verändert

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Der Spiegel
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Article in mass media
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

When “digital” becomes the “grand vision”. Digitalization through accommodative engagements

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: Big Data Konferenz der Academy of Management (AOM), Surrey, UK.
Authors: Castelló, I., Etter, M., & Winkler, P.
Category: Panel at scientific conference
Study program: Communication Management

Why „good communication“ is making everything worse. Towards a paradox view on public relations.

Year of publication: 2018
Medium: 20. Kongress der European Group of Public Relations Education and Research Association (EUPRERA), Aarhus, Dänemark
Authors: Winkler, P. & Thummes, K.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Communication Management