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Research at FHWien der WKW

Publications & Presentations

Found 1530 publications

Commercial Academia? Higher Education Institutions Between Responsibility and Transparency

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Alpbach Higher Education Symposium, with Franz Fischler (President of the European Forum Alpbach), Helmut Holzinger (President of the Association of Universities of Applied Sciences in Austria), Rainer Nowak (Editor-in-Chief, Die Presse, Vienna), Eva Geiblinger (Chair, Board of Directors, Transparency International – Austrian Chapter, Vienna), Anna Lehmann (Editorial Journalist, taz Verlag, Berlin, Germany) and Roland Spitzlinger (Member of the Parliamentary Investigation Committee on the Causa Hypo Alpe Adria; Founder and Manager of the Institute of Applied Corruption), August 27.
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Podium at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Committee on Development – Meeting

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: European Parliament News (BE)
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Podium at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Corporations as Political Actors

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: The Federation of Austrian Industries, Vienna (AT), November 5.
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Creating Shared Value and the Millennium Development Goals

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Tomas Bata University, Zlin (CZ), March 3.
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Creating Shared Value: Grenzen und Vorschläge zur Weiterentwicklung

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik, Vol. 16 (2), pp. 192-202.
Authors: Scholz, M. & de los Reyes, G.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Creating Shared Value: How the Private Sector Can Contribute to Development

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Workshop "The Role of the Private Sector in Fostering Sustainable Development", Committee on Development (DEVE) and Policy Department of DG Expo, European Parliament, Brussels (BE), March 5.
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Das reflektierende Unternehmen: aus Fehlern lernen (7s-Modell von McKinsey).

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: HRweb
Authors: Hoormann, L., Kump, B., Schweiger, C.
Category: Article in industry media
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Der deutsche Gesundheitsmarkt und seine Akteure: Ein Überblick aus volkswirtschaftlicher Sicht

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: In: Oberschachtsiek, D. & Pape, A. (Eds.): Der Wunsch nach mehr Zusammenarbeit in der Patientenversorgung : Optionen und Grenzen der Entwicklung innovativer Versorgungsformen, Münster: LIT Verlag, pp. 193-219.
Authors: Busch, A.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Competence Center for Strategy & Competiveness

Diagnosing an organization's change logic: A hypno-systemic approach.

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: 17th congress of the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology: Respectful and effective leadership - managing people and organizations in turbulent times (EAWOP), Oslo, Norway, May 20-23, 2015
Authors: Schweiger, C., Kump, B.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Die Säulen virtueller Zusammenarbeit.

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: derStandard, KarrierenStandard
Authors: Bärmann, S.; Berger, B.
Category: Article in mass media
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Domestic Transfer Pricing for Tax Considerations in the Multinational Enterprise

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: 12th Annual Conference for Management Accounting Research, Vallendar (DE).
Authors: Löffler, C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Domestic Transfer Pricing for Tax Considerations in the Multinational Enterprise

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: 77. Jahrestagung des VHB, Vienna (AT).
Authors: Löffler, C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Domestic Transfer Pricing for Tax Considerations in the Multinational Enterprise

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: 9th Accounting Research Workshop, Zürich (CH).
Authors: Löffler, C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Drug Prices and Pressure Group Activities in the German Health Care Market : An Application of the Becker Model

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: University of Lüneburg Working paper Series in Economics, No. 338.
Authors: Busch, A.
Category: Technical Reports/White Papers
Study program: Competence Center for Strategy & Competiveness

Drug Prices, Rents, and Votes in the German Health Care Market : An Application of the Peltzman Model

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: University of Lüneburg Working paper Series in Economics, No. 339.
Authors: Busch, A.
Category: Technical Reports/White Papers
Study program: Competence Center for Strategy & Competiveness

Dynamic capabilities for disturbing and re-establishing the equilibrium between identity, practice, and knowledge in radical organizational change.

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: 31st colloquium of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS): Organizations and the Examined Life: Reason, Reflexivity and Responsibility, Athens, Greece, July 20-23, 2015
Authors: Kump, B., Schweiger, C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Dynamic capabilities for disturbing and re-establishing the equilibrium between identity, practice, and knowledge in radical organizational change.

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Conference Paper, EGOS 2016, Athens, Greece, July 20-23, 2015
Authors: Schweiger, C.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Human Resources & Organization

Erbsenzähler werden gebraucht: was man im Vertrieb von Controllerinnen und Controllern hält

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: CFO aktuell, Fachzeitschrift für Finance & Controlling, Linde-Verlag, 9(1), p. 38-39
Authors: Eschenbach, S., Eschenbach, R., Kubanek, I.
Category: Article in industry media
Study program: Digital Economy

Forschungsfeld Gastronomie

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Schriftenreihe der FHWien der WKW
Authors: Fritz, K.; Wagner, D.
Category: Editorship
Study program: Tourism and Hospitality Management

Gastronomie als Forschungsfeld

Year of publication: 2015
Medium: Forschungsfeld Gastronomie. S. 1-17
Authors: Wagner, D.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Tourism and Hospitality Management