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Research at FHWien der WKW

Publications & Presentations

Found 1530 publications

So Test Therefore, Who Commits to Strategy

Year of publication: 2008
Medium: 35. Jahrestagung, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics, Toulouse (FR).
Authors: Löffler, C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Standards für den effektiven Einsatz des Produktionsfaktors Wissen

Year of publication: 2008
Medium: 2nd Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen, March 26-27, Wels
Authors: Eschenbach, S., Riedl, D., Schauer, B.
Category: Poster at scientific conference
Study program: Digital Economy

Strategische Konzepte: Ideen und Instrumente von Igor Ansoff bis Hans Ulrich

Year of publication: 2008
Medium: Schäffer-Poeschel, Stuttgart, 5.Auflage, ISBN 3791027522
Authors: Eschenbach, R., Eschenbach, S., Kunesch, H.
Category: Monograph
Study program: Digital Economy

Strategische Selbstbindung und die Auswirkung von Zeitführerschaft

Year of publication: 2008
Medium: Reihe: Management, Organisation und ökonomische Analyse, Band 10, Wiesbaden: Gabler Verlag.
Authors: Löffler, C.
Category: Monograph
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

The Population Ecology Programme in Organization Studies: Problems Caused by Unwarranted Theory Transfer

Year of publication: 2008
Medium: Philosophy of Management, Vol. 3 (8), pp. 39-51.
Authors: Scholz, M. & Reydon, T.A.C.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Wie praktische Probleme aus ungerechtfertigter Theorieübertragung hervorgehen können: Eine Fallstudie des populationsökologischen Ansatzes in der Organisationstheorie

Year of publication: 2008
Medium: In: Scherer, A. & Patzer, M. (Eds.): Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Unternehmensethik, Wiesbaden: Springer Gabler, pp. 125-141.
Authors: Scholz, M. & Reydon, T.A.C.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Wie regelmäßiges Ein- und Ausatmen - Integrierte Kommunikation ist mittlerweile überlebensnotwendig. Pro & Contra

Year of publication: 2008
Medium: Horizont, Ausgabe 08
Authors: Martin, S.
Category: Article in industry media
Study program: Communication Management

Commitment, First-mover-, and Second-mover Advantage

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: 8. Symposium zur ökonomischen Analyse der Unternehmung, German Economic Association for Business Administration, Tübingen (DE).
Authors: Löffler, C.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Communication and Education in Tourism - Teaching Social and Communication Skills at the University of Applied Sciences for Tourism Management

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: 2nd International Conference, Topical Issues of Tourism "Communication in Tourism"
Authors: Wagner, D.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Tourism and Hospitality Management

Der Faktor Mensch - Sicht der Integrierten Kommunikation

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: Horizont, Ausgabe 13
Authors: Martin, S.
Category: Article in industry media
Study program: Communication Management

Die Erreichbarkeit der Arbeitsmärkte für Berufspendler aus den Gemeinden Schleswig-Holsteins

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: IABregional, No. 01, Nürnberg.
Authors: Schulz, A.-C. & Bröcker, J.
Category: Technical Reports/White Papers
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

ncreasing Knowledge Work Productivity Through a More Systematic Han-dling of Knowledge at an International Financial Service Provider

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: 4th Conference »Professionelles Wissensmanagement: Erfahrungen und Visionen«, Potsdam, March 28-30, Norbert Gronau (Ed.): 4. Konferenz Professi-onelles Wissensmanagement — Erfahrungen und Visionen, GITO, Berlin, pp. 193-200.
Authors: Eschenbach, S., Riedl, D., Schauer, B.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Digital Economy

PBL an den FHWien Studiengängen Tourismus-Management der WKW

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: PBL Kongress 2007 Internationaler deutschsprachiger Kongress zu Problem-Based Learning (PBL)
Authors: Wagner, D.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Tourism and Hospitality Management

Personalentwicklung im universitären Weiterbildungsbereich: Perspektiven für wissenschaftliche MitarbeiterInnen

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung, 2007, 47-62
Authors: Steidl, S., Risku, H. Mayrhofer, W.
Category: Article in scientific journal (peer reviewed)
Study program: Institute for Digital Transformation & Strategy

Standards for Productive Knowledge Work - Theoretical Foundation and Application of an Analysis Technique

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: In: Christian Stary, Franz Barachini, Suliman Hawamdeh (Ed.): Knowledge Management — Innovation Technology and Cultures. Proceedings of the 2007 International Conference, August 27-28, World Scientific Publishing, Vienna, pp. 121-130
Authors: Eschenbach, S., Schauer, B., Schiava, M. D., Riedl, D.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Digital Economy

Standards für die Steigerung der Produktivität in wissensintensiven Geschäftsprozessen

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: KnowTech November 18-19, Frankfurt/Main, pp. 149-157
Authors: Eschenbach, S., Schiava, M. D., Riedl, D., Schauer, B.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Digital Economy

The Population Ecology Programme in Organizational Studies: Ethical Problems Caused by Unwarranted Theory Transfer

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Munich (DE), March 03.
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at practice oriented event
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

The Population Ecology Programme in Organizational Studies: Ethical Problems Caused by Unwarranted Theory Transfer

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: 4th International Conference Philosophy of Management, Oxford (UK).
Authors: Scholz, M.
Category: Presentation at scientific conference
Study program: Competence Center for Corporate Governance & Business Ethics

Wie breit ist eng genug? Über die Ausbildung von Bibliotheksfachleuten am Studiengang Informationsberufe in Eisenstadt

Year of publication: 2007
Medium: In: Harald Weigel (Ed.): Wa(h)re Information, 29th Österreichischer Bibliothekstag Bregenz 2006, September 19-23, Neugebauer, Graz, pp. 13-19
Authors: Eschenbach, S., Bargmann, M.
Category: Contribution in anthology/conference proceedings (full paper)
Study program: Digital Economy

Auf dem Weg zu produktiverer Wissensarbeit

Year of publication: 2006
Medium: Jahrbuch der PWM 2006/2007, pp. 197-206
Authors: Eschenbach, S., Riedl, D., Schauer, B.
Category: Article in scientific journal (not peer reviewed)
Study program: Digital Economy