Main Research Areas
Scientific monitoring of the Visitor Economy Strategy by means of
- Process-accompanying research
- Learning Journeys & Living Labs
- Workshops & Practical formats
Sustainable Tourism Development
- Actor-centered policy analyses
- Basic research on the challenges of urban tourism
- Social sustainability in tourism
- Sustainable temporary living
- Urban economies
Sustainable Urban Development
- Sustainable urban and regional development
- Image development & city marketing
- Housing research
- Sustainable location development
- Smart City & Gender Mainstreaming
The professorship is intended to act as a source of ideas and a knowledge hub that provides recommendations for action to economic operators in tourism and other industries. The scientific study of urban tourism and the visitor economy is also important for the future of tourism education in Vienna, because the research findings will be incorporated into education and training.
With its Visitor Economy Strategy, Vienna is doing pioneering work – in it we commit ourselves to a sustainable development of urban tourism in ecological, economic and social dimensions. FHWien der WKW is a showcase partner when it comes to its academic implementation. The upgrading of the Tourism & Hospitality Management study programs by an endowed chair shows impressively how science and practice in Vienna work hand in hand to create new impulses and further develop tourism in such a way that it brings benefits for the city and its inhabitants beyond the industry itself. I would like to congratulate Dr. Dlabaja – with her, the endowed chair is in extremely experienced hands. This is the best prerequisite for setting international benchmarks.
With Cornelia Dlabaja, we have been able to attract a proven expert in urban sociology as an endowed chair. Her approach to urban spaces research, which takes equal account of visitors and residents, is in line with our understanding of contemporary destination management. The creation of the endowed chair and its appointment are important signs of the relevance of tourism for Vienna. Dr. Dlabaja’s research findings will not only benefit the local tourism industry as well as decision-makers in business and politics, but also the students of our Master’s program in Urban Tourism & Visitor Economy Management.
Project Goals
The aim of the endowed chair is to establish a research program for sustainable and resilient location and tourism development that provides scientific support for the implementation of the Visitor Economy Strategy. At the same time, the findings from the scientific study of city tourism and the visitor economy will be incorporated into event series and teaching as well as training and further education.