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Project Description

Tourism is of great importance for Vienna. With its Visitor Economy Strategy, the City of Vienna pursues the goal of shaping this economic sector in such a way that it takes into account the interests of the population, the local economy and guests.

An Endowed Chair for Sustainable Urban and Tourism Development at FHWien der WKW will provide scientific support for this process in the future. The newly created position was taken over by Cornelia Dlabaja in August 2023, and is designed to run for five years. The professorship is the first in Austria in the field of urban tourism. It is sponsored by the Vienna Chamber of Commerce (WKW).

Main Research Areas

Scientific monitoring of the Visitor Economy Strategy by means of

  • Process-accompanying research
  • Learning Journeys & Living Labs
  • Workshops & Practical formats

Sustainable Tourism Development

  • Actor-centered policy analyses
  • Basic research on the challenges of urban tourism
  • Social sustainability in tourism
  • Sustainable temporary living
  • Urban economies

Sustainable Urban Development

  • Sustainable urban and regional development
  • Image development & city marketing
  • Housing research
  • Sustainable location development
  • Smart City & Gender Mainstreaming

Research Method

“Based on the challenges of sustainable tourism and urban development, the endowed chair addresses socially relevant issues for location development. It analyzes them from multiple perspectives. It provides findings for practice by means of applied and basic research and accompanies the process of the Visitor Economy Strategy from conception to implementation.” Cornelia Dlabaja
Endowed Chair for Sustainable Urban Tourism

Project Goals

The aim of the endowed chair is to establish a research program for sustainable and resilient location and tourism development that provides scientific support for the implementation of the Visitor Economy Strategy. At the same time, the findings from the scientific study of city tourism and the visitor economy will be incorporated into event series and teaching as well as training and further education.