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In line with the educational focus of the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs, the research activities are also geared towards a holistic and networked approach to business management issues.

The research topics of the study programs deal with entrepreneurship, sustainable corporate management and family businesses in relation to the core topics of the curriculum.  Great importance is attached to ensuring that the research results are incorporated into ongoing teaching in the sense of scientifically sound education.

In addition, the teaching and research staff in the study program publish scientific and practical articles in both scientific and practice-oriented outlets. They also present their research at international and national academic conferences, as they review regularly for academic journals. The research focus areas are Family Business, Entrepreneurial Intentions and Activity and Sustainable Entrepreneurship.

Research Areas

Our research focuses on the following areas:

Corporate management

  • Start-ups and their drivers
  • Sustainable corporate management
  • Corporate responsibility

Family businesses

  • Succession processes
  • Acquisitions and transformations
  • Frugal innovation
  • Digitalization

Practical Approach

In cooperation with local companies and international partners (e.g. universities, companies), the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs research practice-relevant and scientifically sound topics that arise from the curriculum and timely business management and global issues.

Students are involved in the research activities of FHWien der WKW primarily by participating in practice-oriented research projects as part of the Bachelor’s program curriculum and by writing academic theses (Bachelor’s theses, Master’s theses) on research topics relevant for the curriculum.

As part of practical projects, research activities are linked to the challenges of real companies. Students develop solutions and strategic recommendations for business management issues. The projects cover the entire spectrum of entrepreneurial activity and address topics such as human resources, organization, controlling, strategy, communication and market research.

Both the students and the companies benefit from the cooperation with the partner companies. Practice-oriented research projects are also implemented in other courses, for example in the “Students as Researchers” project.

Practical projects

AKH Vienna - Roadmap for the creation of a CO2 Balance Sheet in healthcare

Bachelor students from the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Program drew a roadmap for the creation of a carbon footprint in the healthcare sector for Vienna General Hospital in the summer semester 2024.

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Austrian Standards - AI standards and certifications

Can AI be standardized? The Bachelor students from the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Program asked themselves this question in their practical project with Austrian Standards.

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Raiffeisen Bausparkasse - Next generation home loan savings

Students from the Bachelor’s program in Management & Entrepreneurship explored for Raiffeisen Bausparkasse how home loan savings can be made attractive to a young target group.

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A Racetrack for Sustainable Motorsports in Venice

Students of FHWien der WKW present a model for an energy self-sufficient racetrack as part of an official “collateral event” of the Architecture Biennale 2023. The only contribution of a German-speaking university in the “Students as Researchers” project shows how energy for motorsport infrastructure can be generated sustainably.

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Research Projects

Cooperation project “SMEs in change”

In the FFG-funded COIN research project, methods were developed for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) that promote the strategic change capability and innovative strength of companies. The cooperation between the Competence Team Entrepreneurship at the Institute of Corporate Management (now the Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs) and the Endowed Chair of Organizational Learning at the Institute of Human Resources & Organization (now the Human Resources & Organization Study Programs) ensured a holistic approach to the topic.

Publications & Presentations

You can find the publications and presentations of our experts here.

Publications Database

Research News


Manfred Schieber, MA MSc

Manfred J. Schieber, MA, MBA, MSc

Head of Management & Entrepreneurship Study Programs

Head of Program
International MBA in Management & Communications

Maija Worek Maija Worek, MSc

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Family Business

MA23-Project „Organizational Ambidexterity in SMEs"

Stefan Wrbka

FH-Prof. Dr. Stefan Wrbka, LL.M.

Academic Expert & Lecturer
Business Law
