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Admissions Procedure for Bachelor’s Programs

Sample questions computer-based admissions test

What to expect in the admissions test for BA programs

The computer-based admissions test covers general cognitive skills (logical deductive, verbal and numerical thinking) as well as English language skills. The following examples show you how the test questions can look like.

  1. Logical reasoning

    The challenge is to recognize the general rules, according to how the illustrations are set up. This ability helps you to learn new skills and to create connections between different subject areas.

    Here is a simple example: Select the field that does not comply with the rules.

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    The actual questions in the test may be more difficult. The example is deliberately simple, so that you can easily get an overview of what kind of tasks you will be confronted with when you take the admissions test.

  2. Mathematical skills – Mathematical problem solving

    You will also have to carry out calculations in your studies and professional life. To solve these tasks, it is necessary that you understand how to apply basic computing operations to solve problems.

    In this group of questions, you will determine which of the four basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) must be used so that the result of the numbers before the equal sign corresponds to the number after the equal sign.

    Here is a simple example:

    1 ?

    2 ?

    3 = 7

    As you can see from this example, you must also consider the order of operations (multiplication and division take precedence over addition and subtraction) to replace the question marks with the right signs. As before, the tasks in the test are more difficult.

  3. Word comprehension

    This group of questions evaluates how well you can understand the relations of different words used in everyday life. In order to solve these problems, you do not need to have knowledge about a specific topic. It is more about your general vocabulary.

    Here is a simple example:

    There is a similar relationship between the first and second word as there is between the third and fourth word. Select the fourth word accordingly:

    Vegetable : Carrot = Fruit : ?


    The tasks here also naturally become more difficult. You should carefully consider what the individual terms actually mean.

  4. English language skills

    English grammar

    In many cases, it is necessary to communicate with people from abroad in English. In order for others to understand you and to be professional, you should also be proficient in English grammar.

    In this task group, there will be an incomplete sentence for you to complete. You should select the most suitable solution from the suggested answers.

    Here is a simple example:

    According to the law an employee’s salary ______ on a monthly basis.

    ০ is paid
    ০ is being paid
    ০ is payed
    ০ is being payed

    The example shows you what you need to do with this task. The tasks in the test will also be more difficult.

    English vocabulary

    To understand others and to make yourself understandable, you need a good vocabulary. This task group is used to determine how good your English vocabulary is.

    In this task group, you are given sentences in which one word is underlined. For this word, you should either find a word with the same meaning, or a word that says exactly the opposite.

    Here is a simple example:

    Find a word with a similar meaning:
    East of the Rocky Mountains, the annual rainfall decreases substantially from that west of the Rocky Mountains.

    ০ considerably
    ০ slightly
    ০ completely
    ০ apparently

    Since we want to find out how good your English vocabulary is, the tasks will of course be much more difficult.

Now you know what tasks to expect in the admissions test.

Since we want to know what potential you have, the computer-based test contains a number of very tricky tasks that are not easy to answer. Please do not be discouraged by this! This will give us a more accurate picture of your potential and talents.

Seize the opportunity to show us what potential and strengths you already have!

We wish you good luck with the admissions test!