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semesters (180 ECTS)
Bachelor of Arts in Business
University places
per year

Study Program



Type of degree program

Part-Time (PT)

  • 60 % online lessons: On individual working days from 18:30
  • 40 % teaching on campus of FHWien der WKW: On individual weekends on Fridays usually from 15:45 (rarely from 14:00) and on Saturdays from 08:30 to 16:30 *

* Online participation in the face-to-face courses of individual modules is possible (hybrid teaching).

Language of instruction

  • German (main working language)
  • English (individual courses and the entire 4th semester)

Study abroad semester

Optional in 4th semester or as an internship in 5th semester


The internship takes place in the 5th semester.

Start of degree program

each winter semester (September)

Place of study

wko campus wien, Währinger Gürtel 97, 1180 Vienna
(U6 metro station Währinger Straße/Volksoper)


Information events

Personal information every first Monday of the month from 4 pm to 5 pm or by appointment.



€ 363.36 per semester (excl. Austrian students’ union fee )

More information

Brush-Up courses

fit4fh Brush-Up courses for Bachelor students

Focus & Qualifications

Graduates shape digital change at the interface between digital technology and business.

Digital Technology

You will acquire comprehensive knowledge of digital technology. This will enable you to

  • develop economically successful usage scenarios for digital technologies and convince others of them,
  • test and evaluate technical options, select suitable IT solutions and support development and implementation projects, and
  • analyze and design data structures, corporate architectures, business processes and business models.

New specialization option “AI for Business”: Dealing with the challenges and handling of AI-based information systems

Highlights: Fundamentals of software development, working with cloud infrastructures, introduction to database technologies, working with robots, and much more.

Economic core competencies

You acquire comprehensive knowledge of business administration and business law.*

Highlights: General Management, Business Planning, Business and Information Law, Economics and Innovation, and much more.

* anchored in the Common Body of Competences (CBC) of FHWien der WKW: A common content basis for all study programs at FHWien der WKW and your stepping stone to any Master’s program here at FHWien.

Interdisciplinary and application-oriented skills transfer

e.g.: Interactive business simulations (business games), case studies and practical projects with partner companies from the business world

Personal and social competencies

The study program promotes your personal and social development and enables you to communicate professionally with users, technical experts and commercially responsible managers – in both German and English.

  • You will strengthen your ability to help shape complex projects.
  • You will learn how to act as an expert in a technical environment.
  • You will train your creativity and resilience in a particularly dynamic environment.

Integrated Learning: On-Campus Lessons and E-Learning

A didactically sensible combination of interactive face-to-face courses and modern forms of e-learning – the best of both worlds.


60 % of the teaching takes place online and 40 % on campus of FHWien der WKW.

  • 60 % online lessons: On individual working days from 18:30
  • 40 % teaching on campus of FHWien der WKW: On individual weekends on Fridays usually from 15:45 (rarely from 14:00) and on Saturdays from 08:30 to 16:30 *

* Online participation in the face-to-face courses of individual modules is possible (hybrid teaching).


We rely on digital communication for two reasons:

  • Digital communication makes learning more flexible in terms of space and time: students only need to come to campus on weekends communicated in advance.
  • Digital tools open up additional ways of communication: in addition to presentations, seminars, exercises and workshops on campus, lecturers use video conferences, video and audio recordings, online quizzes, forums, comment functions, messenger services and Microsoft365 services (tools that you probably also use in a similar way in your private or professional life).

Module structure

A course typically consists of three different modules:

  • On campus: Students learn on campus under the guidance of lecturers in lectures, seminars, exercises or workshops (hybrid attendance is often possible).
  • Live Online: Teachers use digital communication tools to support students in off-campus learning orally or in writing, synchronously or asynchronously.
  • Self-Study: Students learn independently, either individually or in small teams, e.g. by solving tasks or practical cases, reading specialist literature, preparing for presentations or exams.

At the beginning of the semester, a timetable is published for each course with all dates, tasks and criteria for performance assessment.

On-campus lessons

Spring term 2024

February 16-17, 2024

March 1-2, 2024
March 15-16, 2024

April 5-6, 2024
April 19-20, 2024

May 3-4, 2024
May 24-25, 2024

June 14-15, 2024
June 28-29, 2024

Winter term 2024/25

September 20-21, 2024

October 4-5, 2024
October 18-19, 2024

November 8-9, 2024
November 22-23, 2024

December 6-7, 2024
December 20-21, 2024

January 10-11, 2025
January 17-18, 2025 (if possible January 24-25, 2025)

Spring term 2025

February 21-22, 2025

March 7-8, 2025
March 21-22, 2025

April 4-5, 2025
April 25-26, 2025

May 9-10, 2025
May 23-24, 2025

June 13-14, 2025
June 27-28, 2025


  • Modules about Digital Technology: 30 ECTS
  • Modules about Business Information Systems: 36 ECTS
  • Modules about Economy, Sustainability and Law: 36 ECTS
  • Modules about Interdisciplinary Management and Communication: 30 ECTS
  • Internship: 24 ECTS
  • Modules about Research, Development and Final Exam: 24 ECTS

1st semester

  • Introduction to Computer Science
  • Digital Business Models and Strategies
  • Information and Business Ethics
  • General Management
  • Communication and Analytical Thinking
    – Interpersonal Management
    – Logic and Sets
    – Business and Professional English
    – Interdisciplinary Reflection

2nd semester

  • Application Design and Development
  • Enterprise Architecture and IT Infrastructure
  • Business Data Analytics and Formal Foundations
  • Economics and Sustainability
  • Communication and Analytical Thinking
    – Process Management
    – Business and Professional English
    – Interdisciplinary Reflection

3rd semester

  • Data Modeling and Databases
  • Business Process Management (Project)
  • Business Information Systems/ AI-based Information Systems*
  • Business and Information Law
  • Communication and Analytical Thinking
    – Project Management
    Business and Professional English
    – Interdisciplinary Reflection

4th semester

  • IT Security and Compliance
  • IS Design and Implementation (Project)
  • Technology Assisted Work / AI-assisted Business*
  • Accounting
  • Communication and Analytical Thinking
    – Requirements Management
    – Business and Professional English
    – Interdisciplinary Reflection

5th semester

  • Business Planning
  • Research Skills
  • Internship

6th semester

  • Communication and Analytical Thinking
    – Product Management
    – Business and Professional English
    – Interdisciplinary Reflection
  • Bachelor Thesis
  • Bachelor Exam

* New specialization option “AI for Business”

Job & Career

Field of activity

Our graduates are able to take responsibility for the use of current and emerging digital technologies in complex projects.

Digital transformation as a career springboard


As a graduate of the Bachelor’s program in Digital Business, careers in the following areas are open to you:

  • IT and digitization consulting
  • Process management and design
  • Technical sales & customer support
  • IT management, IT project management & IT product management


Curious about our study program? Inform yourself about the requirements and the admissions procedure at FHWien der WKW.

Admission requirements Bachelor's program in Digital Business
Admissions procedure Bachelor's program in Digital Business


The waff, the Vienna Employee Promotion Fund, supports Viennese women who want to study digitalization, technology and ecology while working with a scholarship program.


Women, with main residence in Vienna, who

  • are at least 25 years old or can prove at least 24 months of employment above the marginal employment threshold,
  • whose highest educational qualification is a Bachelor’s degree or a Master’s degree in a non-technical field,
  • do not earn more than € 36,000 gross per year during their studies,
  • who have a study place commitment in a part-time study program according to the list of study programs that can be supported in this program
  • and who do not receive a student grant or a self-employed scholarship during their studies.

Scholarship amount

The total amount of the scholarship is € 10,000 for the intended duration of the Bachelor’s program.

Consultation and Study preparation

  • Consultation/Coaching before you start studying
  • Prequalifying course/Qualification grant

Information & advice

If you have any questions, please contact the waff directly via e-mail ( or telephone (01 217 48 555).

Further information can be found here:

News & Events

Study Programs & Contact

Digitalisation presents companies with new challenges. In order to solve these challenges, they need highly qualified experts at the interface between digital technology and business who have a high level of communicative competence. Learn more about the Digital Economy Study Programs:

  • Team & contact
  • News & events